Let’s talk about righteous prostitutes. Seems to be a bit of an oxymoron to Christians, but that’s because they don’t know what the word “righteous” means. I’ll use the King James definition here, but there are other points of reference:
RIGHTEOUS, a. ri’chus.1. Just; accordant to the divine law. Applied to persons, it denotes one who is holy in heart, and observant of the divine commands in practice; as a righteous man.
Is the world’s oldest profession a righteous one? According to that definition of righteousness, if a farmer is in accordance to the divine Law and observant of the divine commands, the only question is whether he’s holy at heart. That questions the meaning of holiness, which hinges on the concept of sin. God is Holy, He does not sin. Christ is Holy, He does not sin. Christians are Holy, because they are imputed (judged) to have the righteousness (the state of being without sin) of Christ.
So, can a man be a righteous farmer? The answer is yes, as long as he is obedient to the divine Law and commands. In accordance with the divine Law, the farmer is not to plow his field with an ox and an ass yoked together, nor is he to mix his seed and there are other restrictions as well. He is commanded to give his land a Sabbath rest every 7th year and allow gleaners to follow the harvest as well as other commands. These restrictions and commands exist because God regulated farming. If the farmer is in accordance with the Divine Law and commands, the question is whether he is holy in heart. The only person who can judge that is God and not only that, but we are commanded not to judge such issues.
Can a woman be a righteous prostitute? The answer is yes. In keeping with the Divine Law, as long as she is not involved in idolatry (meaning she’s selling her body in a money/goods transaction) AND she is eligible to marry the man she is servicing (no adultery/incest), there is no transgression of either Divine Law or Command. The reason is simple: there is no prohibition and without a prohibition there is no violation and with no violation there is no sin imputed. In other words, the woman is not in sin for selling her body. That is true or the Apostle Paul lied in Romans 4:15 and 5:13.
The typical knee-jerk reaction of Churchians is to Google “bible verse that prohibits prostitution” and they get to 1st Corinthians 6:15-16. They glance at it and claim it forbids women from being prostitutes. Actually, it doesn’t. That prohibition is aimed directly at the men, forbidding only Christian men from using the services of prostitutes. The men were already forbidden to use the cult prostitutes involved in idolatry, this was a specific prohibition that forbid Christian men the use of righteous prostitutes.
Obviously a woman could be an unrighteous prostitute. She could be married and every customer would be another case of adultery. She could provide her services as part of the worship of foreign gods, which is idolatry. However, just as a woman can be a righteous wife, she can also be an adulteress.
Why Are Christian Men Forbidden To Use Prostitutes?
If prostitution can be a righteous and moral activity, why was using prostitutes forbidden to Christian men? When one considers what Christian wives are like, it seems rather unfair to the men. The argument goes along the lines of saying that there must be something wrong with the prostitutes if the activity was forbidden. That’s a great Churchian argument, but the fact is, the men were forbidden to use prostitutes precisely because the prostitutes were not doing anything wrong.
The act of sexual intercourse in which the man penetrates the woman is, by definition, the act of marriage. With that act the man gives his consent and agreement to marry, as well as his commitment in marriage to the woman he is penetrating. Because of that, there is no prohibition anywhere in the Bible that forbids a man from having sexual intercourse with a woman who is eligible for him to marry. Obviously, any restriction on sexual intercourse between a man and woman eligible to marry each other is a restriction on the man’s authority to initiate marriage.
At the time when Paul sent his letter to the Church at Corinth, the men knew they were not engaged in an illicit or otherwise immoral activity when they paid a prostitute to have sex with her. They were well aware that some prostitutes were doing nothing wrong in selling their bodies, while other prostitutes were adulteresses and/or idolaters.
The men used the services of a prostitute because she was eligible to marry and at the same time (by virtue of her “profession”) the man knew that sexual activity would not result in a marriage. In other words, men had the right to have sex with any eligible woman because they have the authority to initiate marriage, but they were abusing that authority by having sex with the one group of women who would not consent to marry them. They were using the act of marriage, purely for pleasure, in such a way that it could not possibly result in marriage.
Which meant they were having their sexual needs met and felt no pressure to take on the responsibilities of being a husband and father by getting married. The women were not abusing their authority because they had no authority to abuse.
Men And Women ARE NOT Equal
There is no restriction or prohibition anywhere in the Law that forbids a woman who is eligible to marry from becoming a prostitute or selling her body to any man she is eligible to marry. There is nothing in the New Testament that forbids a Christian woman from selling her body as long as she is eligible to marry. Call it whatever you want, but women get a pass on that. Men, not so much. As I have pointed out before, the only prohibition on the use of prostitutes found anywhere in the Bible is in 1st Corinthians 6:15-16, and that prohibition is specific to Christian men. The prohibition that forbids Christian men from using prostitutes does not apply to non-Christian men and has nothing to do with women.
Men and Women Have Different Standards of Sexual Morality
A man is free to have more than one wife at the same time because Genesis 2:24 gave the authority to initiate marriage to the man but did not limit that authority to a single woman. Because a man initiates marriage with the act of sex, a man is free to have sex with any woman who is eligible to marry him. A woman, once bound in marriage, may only have sex with her husband and no other man. If she has sex with any other man she commits adultery. The only way a man can commit adultery is if he has sex with another man’s wife. It does not matter if the man is married or not, a man can only commit adultery if the woman is the wife of another man.
God said if a man lies with a man as with a woman it’s an abomination and a death penalty offense. If either a man or a woman has sex with an animal it is a perversion and a death penalty offense. What did God not forbid, and barely even mentioned at all? Women with women. There is no general prohibition on anything sexual that women might do with women. In fact, the incest statutes that apply to polygamy (Leviticus 18:17-18) presume that wives in a poly marriage will have sexual contact. After all, nobody gets married to sleep alone. As long as there’s no incest involved, God doesn’t care about sexual activity between women and whatever that might be is not a sin.
Why Do Christians Hate Girl-Girl Sexual Contact?

First, it’s because they’ve been taught that Romans 1:26 somehow “forbid” lesbian sex. Nothing could be further from the truth. Romans 1:26 doesn’t even mention sex between women, it says that certain women were being punished by God with the degrading passion of rejecting the natural function of women.
What is the natural function of women? Well, what was Eve created for? Was Eve created to be a “helpmeet” and wife and mother to Adam, or was Eve created to be Adam’s sex toy? The only way that “rejecting the natural function of women” can be interpreted as lesbian sex is if the natural function of women is to be a sex toy for men.
And not to put too fine a point on it, but anything in the New Testament that goes beyond what is already in the Law can only apply to the church. Romans 1:26 is descriptive, with Paul describing the wrath of God being poured out on unbelievers who refuse to acknowledge, honor and worship their Creator. Clearly Romans 1:26 does not refer to the church and there is nothing wrong with a Christian woman engaging in sexual activity with another woman, just like there is nothing in the Bible that forbids a Christian woman from selling her body. There might be specific issues of conscience and faith that apply to individual women, but that’s a conscience issue for the individual to decide and we are commanded not to judge their decision.
The second reason is that it’s not about the women, it’s all about the lack of attractive men. Romans 1:26 describes women with a degrading passion that causes said women to reject being a wife and mother under a man’s authority. In other words, it’s a rejection of men, but it’s also a refusal to settle for men that aren’t desirable. Some women settle for men they aren’t that attracted to. Other women refuse to settle for a man they aren’t attracted to and settle for another woman instead. In both cases the women can’t get what they want so they settle for something else. And when I put it like that it gives everyone a case of heartburn. The men are butthurt at being rejected because it really is a rejection of their lack of masculine attractiveness. The women are butthurt, claiming they don’t want a man, they prefer women… right up until an attractive man shows them some interest. Then they discover they’re actually bisexual. Or they were confused, it was just a phase they were going through, they’re actually straight. Ooops.

Understanding the socio-sexual dynamics of what is happening helps one to understand why most lesbians are fat and ugly. The truth is that good-looking lesbians are very rare. The fact lesbians tend to be fat and ugly is because they were never able to attract the attention of a man they found attractive. And the men they were attracted to probably didn’t treat them well. Can you say “pump and dump?” Lots of room for embarrassment and humiliation in there. But rather than settle for a man they weren’t attracted to (a man in their league), they’d rather be with another woman.

Lots of feminists will howl at that and while there are exceptions, that’s pretty much the general rule. Which is one more reason why lesbians are angry with men. They couldn’t get what they wanted.
But, at the end of the day, does not getting what they wanted and settling for something else make them bad people? No. Are they “In Sin?” No. Have they done anything morally wrong? No. And the funny part is the even though lesbian porn seems to be really popular with men, the truth is that most lesbians seldom actually do that sort of thing. They fight a lot, as evidenced by the fact that the incidence of domestic violence between lesbians is really, really high.
When we compare the two issues of prostitution and female-female sexual contact, we can see that both can be completely righteous and moral activities for Christian women and both of them have traditionally been hated by the churchians because churchians hate sex. They always have.
More than that, however, is they do not like it when God’s ideas of how things should be don’t agree with theirs. God chose to prohibit the things He chose to prohibit, which means He chose not to prohibit those things He chose not to prohibit. God did not forget, He did not overlook anything, He did not get confused.
What About
Issues of Conscience?
The clearest statements on issue of conscience and sin are found at Romans 14:23 (that which is not of faith is sin) and James 4:17 (If you know the right thing to do and do not do it, that is sin to you). Those things that are forbidden in the law are forbidden for everyone. However, even though a person can be within the Divine Law, if they violate their conscience they are in sin. Likewise, because someone is doing something by faith that they know is right for them, they are not in sin and both Paul and James were very specific: who are you to judge your neighbor? They were speaking of judging someone over issues of conscience.
The issues discussed in this post are not issues of Divine Law because the Law does not condemn or prohibit prostitution or sexual contact between women (unless it’s incest). Perhaps an individual Christian might decide that she could not possibly spread her legs for money and the thought of a marital threesome with her husband and another wife is nauseating, but that’s OK. Some people get nauseated on a boat or a plane, but that’s not a sin and they can avoid boats and planes.
Paul[Augustine of Hippo] was a gnostic manichean, who puts the spiritual and the physical at opposite ends. The spiritual is good and physical is bad. This is wrong. The spiritual and the physical complement each other. This means that, Biblically speaking, spiritual circumcision without physical circumcision is just as worthless as the inverse.Paul[Augustine of Hippo] burns in hell. Hell is eternal.I decided to reply to you with a post instead of responding here.
The standards of marital commitment for men and woman (they’re different)
The standards of sexual morality within marriage.
The standards of sexual morality outside marriage.
The story of divorce and the rules that apply to each class of person.
The history of how everything got to be the way it is.
1 Thess 3:13-4:12
1 Tim 1:3-11 [whoremongers – not fornicators, but that’s not my emphasis, my emphasis is yours, that is, “teach no other doctrine.”]
Without a transgression no sin is imputed.