Competing In The SMP As A Man

Appearance is important. Part of your masculine appearance is how lean you are. High levels of testosterone tend to keep a man “lean and mean” while a coat of lard indicates a more feminized man. Your level of body-fat is the key to your appearance and unlike height, you have complete control over your level of muscle and body-fat. bodyfat-men
Steps to becoming more attractive:
One: Add muscle.
Two: Get rid of body-fat.
Three: Focus on having a life worth sharing. The amount of money a man has isn’t as important as his social freedom. Some guys make a lot of money but they’re still wage-slaves at the end of the day. Find your balance between money and freedom.
Four: Learn Game.
The bottom line is that women are attracted to healthy, fit, attractive men. Game only goes so far. Ideally, you’d want to be somewhere between #2 and #3. You want to be rocking a visible six-pack and have a lot of definition. At that low a level of body fat, the angles to your face will stand out and your features will be hard and defined. When it comes to projecting dominance, hard and chiseled features combined with a defined musculature is a definite plus. The older you get, the more of an advantage this is.
A man is in competition with his competition. At forty years old, you aren’t competing for the 18-22 year old college girls, your targets are typically going to be in their late twenties and early thirties. At fifty years old, you’re competing for women in their mid thirties up to their early forties. Think about that for a moment: How many men in their forties have a body that looks like frame #2-4 on the chart above? What percentage? Yet, this is something you have complete control over.
Think women get over the desire to be with a guy who has a hard, sculpted muscular body? No. Losing the body-fat will improve your looks and sharpen your features. Packing on the muscle will help your appearance. Social freedom is the ability to do what you want to do when you want to do it. Believe it or not, that doesn’t take nearly as much money as you’d think.

Feminist Delusions of Beauty

Heidi Montagg27 year old Heidi Montag in a bikini. Most men would consider her to be a good-looking woman, if not beautiful. It’s often said that a wife’s first duty to her husband is to maintain her beauty. What does that mean? It means “don’t get fat.” To give you an idea about bodyfat on women, let’s use the following chart.
I have questioned a number of men between the ages of 19 and 50, (N=30) who are all pretty much in agreement that ripped chick #1 isn’t attractive. However, the women in frames #2-4 were all considered very physically attractive. A few of the men considered the woman in frame #5 attractive, but I suspect it’s because the size of her boobs balances out the size of her butt. Proportion has a lot to do with the perception of beauty and a woman with DD-cups can carry some weight on the back end without looking fat, whereas if she was flat-chested she’d be pear-shaped. It’s the same with men- a man with a naturally thick waist has to keep his body-fat low and work on his chest and shoulders in order to get an attractive “V-shape” and even a bit of a spare-tire ruins the effect.
After that, #6 was considered attractive by one guy. The women in the bottom three frames were all universally considered unattractive, with #8 and #9 described as obese, gross and “hideous.”
When asked if any of the women in these frames could be described as a “Big Beautiful Woman” over half stated that there was no way to describe a woman as both big and beautiful. Of the men (uniformly from mid-thirties to mid forties) who could buy into the meme of the BBW, only #6 in the lineup above got tagged as a BBW. The bottom row was simply fat or obese.
The obvious take-away is that men are attracted to beautiful women and anything more than 25% bodyfat on a woman is not consistent with beauty. Granted, this can be stretched out to 30% or maybe a little more for those guys who want some cushion on their woman, but classic beauty like Julianne Hough displays below calls for about 15% to 20% bodyfat.
Julianne Hough
Warning! This is a gag and barf warning. One of the photos that follows is about a feminist’s view of herself as being beautiful. Those with a weak constitution and small children should leave now. You have been warned.
Feminism is the religion in which beauty is replaced by ugly and ugly is glorified. Thirty four year old Denise Jolly, from Berkeley California (Berkeley- imagine that) started the “Be Beautiful Project” which involved her taking photos of herself, barely dressed, in public places as a way to affirm her beauty and accept herself. Follow that link at your own risk. This is what Ms. Jolly looks like:
Speaking to the Daily Mail, she said ”

‘I’ve been socialized my whole life to not like myself because I’m large,’ Denise explained. ‘I’ve been big my whole life, and the likelihood of me being small is an impossibility.’
So instead of striving to be something she wasn’t, Denise opted to reclaim her body and her self-confidence by sharing photos of herself in her most vulnerable state.

And this, displaying her 311 pound female form in public, is how she went about “reclaiming” her body:
Folks, she’s 34 years old. Just going by her facial structure, she could drop 150 to 170 pounds and make herself attractive, but that would be to admit that beauty and attractiveness are in the eyes of the beholding MEN. According to the chart above, she’s gone past 50% bodyfat. Note also the hideous glasses. The only thing she hasn’t done is cut her hair off and tattoo herself. I suspect if we check back in on her in 5 years, we’ll see short hair and ink.
I think a grossly obese woman should lose the weight instead of simply claiming that she’s beautiful when she obviously isn’t. Feminism is all about no accountability for women. No discipline? Can’t control your impulses? Became grossly obese as a result? You have a choice: either take responsibility for your actions, or lie to yourself. In the following video, watch the change in the smile as the responsible woman loses weight. It’s pretty amazing.

In Search Of Understanding: Nothing Is What It Seems

The question was recently raised at a Labor Day family get-together: Why are so many women in America just plain batshit-crazy? It’s a good question, and I think the answer has several components.
On one level, I believe women suffer an increasingly severe level of cognitive dissonance and guilt for acting in a way that is so contrary to the way God designed them. They have embraced feminism, rebelled against God, destroyed their families, abused their children, played the whore and otherwise seared their conscience. God is not mocked, and when one sows the seeds of unrighteousness on will reap a bitter harvest.
Most people think Romans 1:26 is talking about lesbian sex. It isn’t. When one considers all the nuances of the phrase “natural function” that can be applied to women, sex is a very small part of the whole. Given that this is within the context of rejecting the authority of God and His structure in which woman was created from man and for man within marriage, there are many ways in which women can exchange the natural function for the unnatural without ever getting in bed with another woman.
On another level, Americans in general and women in particular have been subjected to the most fantastic and systematic head-game the world has ever seen. Quite literally, nothing is what it seems.
Everyone needs to get to know about the research of a guy named Antony C. Sutton.



Sutton was a brilliant man, a trained researcher, who gathered and published a lot of information that was quite embarrassing to the power elite. Probably the best proof that he was correct was that he was simply ignored by everyone who should have taken it upon themselves to repudiate his research. Nobody wanted to argue with him because he had an irrefutable set of facts that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that we live in an Orwellian world in which nothing is as it seems. These books are all now available for free online: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, and Wall Street and FDR.
Why do I bring this up? Because one of Suttons’ friends was Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. Both her father and her grandfather were alumni of Yale and her father was a member of the Order of Skull and Bones. Sutton had long wondered at the conspiracy that had worked to enable all the things he’d previously written about and she provided Sutton with the missing piece of the puzzle, a list of of the secret membership roster of the Order of Skull and Bones. With this, and based on all the previous research he’d done, he wrote his magnum opus: “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones.” He proved the conspiracy theory.
Mrs. Iserbyt was a senior policy analyst for the Department of Education. She wrote a book called “the deliberate dumbing down of america” (download for free here) which describes the true methods and goals of the American public education system. A better read is “The Underground History of American Education” by John Taylor Gatto (Read for free here). They both explain the truth that most Americans don’t want to hear: For almost fifty years, the American public has been deliberately manipulated, dumbed down, lied to and traumatized in order that they might be controlled. And it goes further than that; just ask Aaron Russo:



Then comes the issue of drugs. It is reported that one in four American women are being prescribed some form of medication for mental health. The majority of these prescriptions are for Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s). Why is this so bad? Because of what SSRI’s do, and the long term effects on the brain. Listen to the testimony of people who’ve tried to get off this train. Look at what this is doing to your brain.SSRI’s. Just don’t. Don’t take them and avoid women who do. Remember: a junkie is a junkie is a junkie.
I’m a fan of the blog Shrink4men by Dr Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD. The Shrink4Men blog is painful to read, especially for me, because there are hundreds and hundreds of comments by men who describe the same kind of hell in their lives that my wife put me through. It was difficult to read her post “25 Signs Your Narcissistic or Borderline Wife or Girlfriend is Traumatizing You” (PDF) and realize that I’d been traumatized. In fact, when I displayed the predictable post-traumatic symptoms, that was used to further traumatize me. Yet, I was forced to accept that I was married to a Narcissistic personality disorder type who is still doing everything in her power to emotionally abuse me… and since I’m no longer available she abuses our children in order to hurt me.
I believe there’s a strong link between feminism, the narcissistic, hysterical and borderline personality disorders (the ‘cluster B’ stuff) that women are increasingly suffering from and the massive mental rape that’s been inflicted on the American people. Rape is an ugly word, but perhaps it isn’t correct. What the American people have been subjected to is an institutional form of conversion and retention techniques that were inflicted on them as children. It is only by recognizing what’s been done to them that they can begin the process of recovery and healing.
Want to help someone swallow the Red Pill? It begins with understanding how they got programmed with the Blue Pill.