Perverting The Ideal Husband


A Great Man At His Worst Point
In recent comments, commenter Pode said:

choosing to be submissive will make a good man more attractive. Choosing an attractive (dominant) man will not make him more good, which is the common female fantasy of the reformed bad boy. The goal is a godly man, one who is both good and dominant. [Emphasis added]

Pode is well aware of the need for a man who is masculine and dominant, but the blind and ignorant masses in the churches are not. In fact, the churches have ongoing programs designed to destroy masculinity and dominance in men.

Give Us A Biblical Example Of A Godly Man

Women in church are taught they should be looking for a “godly man” for a husband. That’s code for an approved product of feminist churchian doctrine. Why? Because they have no clue what a “godly man” actually is. The reason is because they don’t read their Bible. In the land of churchianity one will hear many tales of the so-called “Proverbs 31 Woman” but as the text actually says, “who can find her?“. One does not hear of the Bible’s ideal man from the pulpit, but such men exist. According to God, three men were held in high esteem, Noah, Daniel and Job. (Ezekiel 14:14, 20.)
Of these three men, for many reasons, the character of Job is best suited for study as the kind of Godly man women should be interested in.
Consider what God said to Satan: “Have you considered my servant Job? There is none like him in all the earth.” It shouldn’t be too much of a leap of faith to know that God had a good idea of what all the men on earth were like and He said Job was like no other.
Consider Job, from the description at Job 1:1-3
There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job, and that man was blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil. And seven sons and three daughters were born to him. His possessions were 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 female donkeys and very many servants, and that man was the greatest of all the men in the east.”
Now consider Job, in his own words, from Job 29:7-25:
When I went out to the gate of the city,
When I took my seat in the square,
The young men saw me and hid themselves,
And the old men arose and stood.
The princes stopped talking
And put their hands on their mouths;
The voice of the nobles was hushed,
And their tongue stuck to their palate.
For when the ear heard, it called me blessed,
And when the eye saw, it gave witness of me,
The gate of the city is where the elders and chief men of the city congregated. Job had a seat there as the greatest man in the east. Perhaps the reader has seen a situation in which a man of power arrives and everyone gets quiet. Partly out of respect, partly because no-one wants to miss anything this man has to say. The kind of man that when he enters a room every head turns, a murmur goes through the people and everyone is aware he has arrived. He dominates.
Why is this man held in awe? Job describes himself:
Because I delivered the poor who cried for help,
And the orphan who had no helper.
The blessing of the one ready to perish came upon me,
And I made the widow’s heart sing for joy.
I put on righteousness, and it clothed me;
My justice was like a robe and a turban.
I was eyes to the blind
And feet to the lame.
I was a father to the needy,
And I investigated the case which I did not know.
I broke the jaws of the wicked
And snatched the prey from his teeth.
Consider all the things Job was that are not mentioned. Job was quite wealthy and had great economic power. Job had many children and had obviously been blessed by God. Then consider what was said, inasmuch as he used his position to do what was right. Having gathered to himself power and wealth, he used it judiciously for good.
It is significant (in keeping with his position) that he put on righteousness and it clothed him, his justice was like a robe and turban. He investigated the case he did not know, meaning that he took the trouble to know and understand what was happening to the people around him. That righteousness and justice that he exercised from his place of power in the city gate means he took responsibility for those under him.
And he broke the jaw of the wicked and snatched the prey from their teeth. The meaning of this is clear and it’s a shiv to the heart of churchian cucks everywhere because Job was a man of action. He didn’t just look at what was happening and whine about it, he did something about it. Decisive, appropriate and possibly violent action.
Consider the violence implied with the statement that he broke the jaw of the wicked, then consider the implications. He broke their jaw and snatched the prey from their teeth because they could no longer crush the prey in their jaws. They could not catch prey or eat it with a broken jaw, their power was broken. When there is money on the table and it’s people with a latent capacity for violence, violence is going to be on the menu.
Then I thought, ‘I shall die in my nest,
And I shall multiply my days as the sand.
My root is spread out to the waters,
And dew lies all night on my branch.
My glory is ever new with me,
And my bow is renewed in my hand.’
Job knew what his position was and what kind of man he was. He operated from a position of strength and his vision is to the future. The man knows what he is about. And we go back to how he is perceived by others. Job was a man who was held in honor by other men because his life testified to the fact he deserved honor.
To me they listened and waited,
And kept silent for my counsel.
After my words they did not speak again,
And my speech dropped on them.
They waited for me as for the rain,
And opened their mouth as for the spring rain.
I smiled on them when they did not believe,
And the light of my face they did not cast down.
I chose a way for them and sat as chief,
And dwelt as a king among the troops,
As one who comforted the mourners.

Why Don’t We Hear More About Job?

Job was a great man, one held in high esteem by God. For all of the lessons that the book of Job provides, why is it that we only hear about his suffering? The easy answer is that Job is the place to go for someone who desires to understand the nature of suffering from God’s perspective. This allows Job to be ignored for the other aspects of his story and character that we could learn from. The truth is that the other aspects of the story are not points that the church wants to discuss at this point.
Churchians get extremely uncomfortable with a man who displays the kind of masculine dominance that Job is describing. And that potential for violence… it gives the cucks cold shivers up and down their thin little spines. That isn’t surprising at all, but notice one thing. In all of this, did you notice where Job “gave all the glory to the Lord” in his description of himself? Did you notice anywhere in the entire passage where Job did that?
There is a special toxic variety of Christianity that is known as worm theology. The idea of “I’m just a worm, I can do nothing. I accomplish nothing, I am weak and powerless, it’s only Christ working through me that allows me to do anything.” Regular readers will understand how hard it is for me not to puke just writing those words.
Worm theology is an extra-toxic feminist witches brew that is used to cut the legs out from under men. Under worm theology Job would be automatically attacked for being filled with pride and arrogance because he didn’t give praise to the Lord. Naturally the Proverbs 31 woman would never be subject to such an attack because worm theology only applies to men.
It is only within the context of understanding who and what Job was that we can understand the significance of what Satan was allowed to do. Satan destroyed Job’s wealth, taking it all away. He killed his children and destroyed his posterity. Eventually he was left with nothing, physically afflicted with sores and boils on his body. And notice that this is always what is focused on.

The Dark Side Of Job’s Story: His Wife

It wasn’t that Job was just a man that God allowed Satan to harm, it’s that Job was spectacular. When God praised him to Satan, He said that there was none like him in all the earth. The darker side of this story is the way Job’s wife treated him when Satan got done with him (Job 2:9-10).
Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die!” But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.
His wife had a great man, a Godly man. And after many years of marriage, when he had everything taken away from him, what was her reaction? Do we see that fabled female comfort and empathy? Did she nurse him back to health? No.
When he was down, she kicked him.
She attacked him for holding fast to his integrity… Think about that. She knew her husband and she knew he’d done nothing wrong. But, he’d been wiped out and having lost it all, in her woman’s eyes, he was a nobody now. He didn’t have anything so he was no more use to her, so she told him to die. The subtext is she wished he was dead. And before the women say “NAWALT!” that is, in fact, the normal and predictable response of women.
Women will object to that, but where’s the description of the faithful and loving wife caring for her husband who has been struck down? Where’s the tender and merciful care for him? The empathy for his suffering? It isn’t there. Instead, when he was down and hurting, she kicked him. The one person he had left… and she betrayed him.

The Consequences For Kicking Him When He Was Down

From the context of the story, it appears that even the youngest of the children was an adult. If we figure 2 years between children that’s 20 years and another 20 years for the youngest to reach adulthood, so 40 years. If we assume his wife started having children when she was 20, then at the time Job got run over by the Satan train his wife was at least 60. From the context of the story, we presume that Job’s wife was the mother of his 10 (dead) children.
The question is, what about the next 10 children? Is there any reason to believe this woman was their mother? In the final chapter we learn that God restored Job’s fortunes, giving him double what he had before. Job also had another ten children and he got to see his sons and grandsons, down to four generations.
After what his wife had done and given her age, does anyone really believe that she gave him another 10 children? It is far more reasonable to presume that Job took a second wife (a younger one) and she is the one who gave him the daughters who were the fairest in the land. The implied polygyny here is another reason why churchians don’t want to look at this story too closely.
Job lived for another 140 years after these events and while we don’t know how old Job was when these events happened, judging by his children he was at least 60. In addition, Job said “Oh, that I were as in months gone by… As I was in the prime of my days” (verses 2, 4) which indicates he thought he was no longer in his prime. Perhaps 70-90 years old? We do not know, but we do know that he fathered another 10 children and it is highly unlikely the wife who kicked him when he was down was the mother of those children.
There is no record of his wife dying, but there are two good reasons to believe he took a second wife. The first and most obvious is the way his wife betrayed him. The second is the fact he had 10 more children. There are consequences for kicking a man when he’s down because that’s the kind of thing a man does not forget after he gets back on his feet.
Obviously that is completely contrary to the narrative of today’s feminized cucks in the church. Their idea of “godly” men is a man who supplicates himself to women. A man who would instantly forgive and forget the kind of betrayal Job’s wife heaped upon him when he was hurting the worst.


The number one thing about the ideal man (and Job is the leading candidate for an example) is the implied accountability for his wife. The Godly Christian husband is commanded to love his wife as Christ loves His church. The best example of how this actually happens is in Revelation 3:19, in which Christ is speaking to His church:
“Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. Be zealous therefore and repent!”
In other words, the husband presents his wife as “having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and blameless” by holding her accountable for her behavior. Just as Christ says He will hold accountable those whom He loves. A Godly man is a just man who does his duty, but what the feminist narrative cannot tolerate is a man who holds a woman accountable. This is the feminist perversion of the ideal husband.

28 thoughts on “Perverting The Ideal Husband

  1. I would say that this should be required reading, but few men I know of would understand it. Even speaking in plain English the deep seed of feminism would never allow them to accept that a man of God could speak about himself that way, or that his “godly wife” would ever be anything short of perfection. Obviously Job had to have done something to bring her to that point, and there is no way at all that God would have given him another wife. Great post.
    1. I didn’t bring it out, but focusing solely on the suffering of Job fits the narrative perfectly because according to feminism men like that need to be destroyed.
      Consider, though… his wife had lived with him for at least 40 years. Even though she knew what kind of a man he was, when he was laid low, everything changed. He was of no use to her any longer and she made that clear.
      Compare that to the process of divorce in which the wife initiates the process and watches the state knock the the man to the dirt and gives her control over him… then she kicks him when he’s down. So many men cannot understand why this might happen or how she could possibly be this way. Job’s wife was not an aberration.
  2. I found this you already know it but bears repeating
    Job’s first ten children mocked God by mixing his teachings with heathen religions in an attempt to justify their perverted lifestyle; +their dark and evil traits were inherited from their wicked Mother Dinah.*
    1. Exactly where do you get this from? My wife seems to think the same thing, that Job’s kids were all wicked and sinful and that Job was trying to cover for them, yet all I see when I read is that they got together often and that Job prayed for them in the case that they had sinned against God unknowingly. As if to say, “He loved his kids so much that he prayed for them in case they did something they weren’t aware of”, which is plainly seen as an issue later under the law (sacrifices made for sins you didn’t remember or had unknowingly committed). Where does it indicate that his children were mocking God? I would think that, if this were the case, the language would be much more clear: “Job was a great man of God, but had children who were heathen and mocked God repeatedly”. Am I missing something?
      1. Sir
        I was looking for information on job’s second wife and came across this site:
        It would not originally thought, I just thought it would make Mr toad smile. I listen to it and and thought why not. I’m not trying to be the disrespectful.
        I would say I apologize that I would afraid of you taking that as sarcasm
      2. It comes from a churchian distortion of Job 1:5
        ” 4 His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one on his day, and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 When the days of feasting had completed their cycle, Job would send and consecrate them, rising up early in the morning and offering burnt offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, “Perhaps my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.”
        There is no indication that Job’s children were sinning and cursing God in their hearts. This passage is a testament to the seriousness with which Job took his responsibilities as the spiritual head of his family.
        As I say, churchians have to have a way to explain this and Job has to be torn down. If Job’s kids were evil then that’s a black mark against him as their father.
        1. Yeah, that’s a bit of a stretch. I don’t know who told my wife that Job’s kids were partying and living against God, but she is seriously dead set in that belief. I always viewed it the way you explained, that Job was just a good father who wanted to pray for his kids. Weird.
          1. The text says “When the days of feasting had completed their cycle” which would indicate that it was speaking of a seasonal feast period such as the time of the harvest festival in the fall or the shearing festival in the spring.
            There was a tremendous rivalry between the church in Jerusalem (lots of Jews converted to Christianity) and the church in Rome (completely Gentile) in the early days and when the church in Jerusalem got taken down the church in Rome seized power. In the process they rooted out the keeping of any of the Biblical feasts and eventually replaced them with pagan festivals like the winter solstice (Christ’s Mass) and the feast of Ishtar (Easter) along with all the saint’s days.
            The history of this is all very complicated due to the Protestant reformation and for a long time there was a strong puritan view within the Protestant church that there should be NO feasts or parties.
            Thus, from the old (we only have to go back 75-100 years to find this on a large scale) view of Scripture, if Job’s children were having feasts and parties they were sinning. Because good Christians were sober and industrious and would never do such a thing.
  3. Sir
    I am sorry. I’ve only listened to five times in my live. I was not trying to torn Dow Job but rather to point a recap of Dinah.
    1. Can you please explain where Dinah comes into this? Are you referencing another book besides the bible? I am not being accusatory or irate, I am just trying to understand where people are getting this from, as it certainly does not appear that Job’s kids were living the sinful lifestyle the page you posted previously seems to indicate. Also, I don’t know of anywhere in the bible that it gives the names of his first 10 children, so are you referencing another book?
      1. Sir
        As I indicated , Iwas googling how to find the indication of the second Wife because I I do not know the Bible as well and the two of you do.
        I thought I remembered reading something about Job 2nd wife. That’s when I found the link. I thought the password was interacting in mistakenly believe that Job kids were wicked
        Sir Long story short I was trying to make the by pointing out something obvious about that woman who is married to Joe
  4. Sir
    I only listened to Job five times in my life. I perceive that you have a deep hatred of Churchians I am severely in deservedly chastened having you referred to me as one. Thank you for showing me my arrogant them thinking that I understood the word of God.
  5. Sir toad
    true that Job was the oldest book in the Bible existing before the time of Abraham? By which I mean Job lived in the time period time Between Noah and Abraham. Or in other words, that Moses wrote Job before he wrote genesis?
    Sir I adked with no sarcasm irony or or disrespect. Rather I wonder if there were more fest before the covenant of Abraham better never mentioned due to God not important for it
    1. We do not know. I would guess that Job lived somewhere around the time of Abraham, but there is no way to know. We do not know who wrote the book of Job.
      As to festivals, across different cultures and places there are always festivals. Some are religious, some are not, as with a shearing festival or a harvest festival. You ask questions that really cannot be answered. Sorry.
  6. This is so deep, I really don’t even know what to do with it…
    And not to compare myself to Job by ANY means, but this man’s life explains to me how and why so many women hated me because of my desire to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Even so-called Christian women in my life…it’s just the look on their faces as if my personal desire to live Holy before the Lord was cramping their style.
    This is why I’ve been telling young men nowadays not to brag or be too verbally fervent about how much you want to please the Lord, because it seems women simply cannot stand it.
    Do you guys things I should stop telling guys this…?
    1. Long time no talk, Pedat
      To answer your question, no. In fact, your desire (or any man’s) for righteousness is part of your mission. It’ nobody’s business but yours. There is no point in talking about it with others because it has nothing to do with them. It was the Pharisees who prayed loudly in public, remember? Secret prayer. If they want to know what it is that you have, they’ll ask. At that point you’re to be able to answer their questions.
      Be the man and whatever you do, dominate. Take dominion. Build your body, build your business, how to play the game and win… create your kingdom and rule. You do these things and you are who you are because it’s part of who you are as a man. People have eyes and ears, especially women.
      Don’t expect compliments on anything (flattery, yes, but not genuine compliments) because that isn’t on the menu. Like Job, if you’re a man of honor and men hold you in high esteem and honor you, women will desire to bask in the reflection of that by being with you. You may have heard the expression “Men want to be like him, women want to be with him” and it’s true.
      But if you fall, fail or are otherwise are taken down, don’t expect empathy and tender care from that woman. They will not be able to see your pain, they will only see that you are no longer giving them what they desire. And like Job’s wife, they’ll kick you when you’re down.
  7. Mr. Toad:
    By your brief discussion of the old festivals being replaced by pagan holidays I wondered if you may have study with the Chapel along the way, the one in NWA I mean?
    1. Never heard of it. I studied the history of the church. If by “NWA” you mean North West Arkansas, that was in the middle of the old Worldwide Church of God and they believed in keeping the Biblical feasts such as Passover. But, no, while I’m familiar with different sects and branches of faith that do different things, what I know I learned from the study of the Bible and a lot of history books.
      The history of the church is one of political power struggles, intrigues and chicanery. When Christ said that He hated the Nicolaitans, he was talking about the ones who wanted to introduce a clergy (my opinion- the Bible doesn’t say so). The Nicolaitans won and they turned the faith into a religion.
  8. I have read some writings from the Shepherds Chapel in NWA and it sounds similar to the COG in many respects, in fact I have read that many members came over when the COG split into two factions years back. I read a publication called the Philadelphia Trumpet which is published by the Philadelphia COG based in Oklahoma, I think this was Herbert Armstrong’s loyalists. Interesting that you mention Nicolaitans, as I am reading a book right now, The Eternal Kingdom by F.W. Mattox which spends a great deal of time explaining the rise of the Catholic church from the 1 st century forward ” ” . its shocking how arrogant and heretical they are.
  9. Churchian pastors are obviously threatened by real christian men, which is why they disparage Jon and others. They must al be reading from the same tallking points memo sent out by central planning! I heard John MacArthur just this morning disparage Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for being cowards and lacking in chivalry. Its his February 9 broadcast, its a short broadcast, you should listen to it. He completely misreads Genesis 12:19 to imply that Abraham whored out his wife Sarai to Pharoah because Abraham was a coward. I’m sure his feminized audience lapped it up like pigs at a slop trough!
    1. What they’re doing is a Christian AMOG technique in which they’re positioning themselves as being the “Only Real Man In The Room”. It’s not so much about feminism as AMOGing the other men.
  10. I purchased the Brundage book you mentioned. Did you outline it by chance. Wondering where he covers Genesis 2:24; not seeing it in the index.
  11. His wifes disdain for his condition cuts deep when you consider the insanely strict vow he kept in Job 31:
    Here he keeps a vow not to lust after another woman lest God bring judgement on him
    >1″I have made a covenant with my eyes; How then could I gaze at a virgin?
    The following verses describe how God sees and judges the behavior of men and punishes the wicked.
    >9″If my heart has been enticed by a woman, Or I have lurked at my neighbor’s doorway,
    >10May my wife grind for another, And let others kneel down over her.
    If he committed adultery he said it would be only just if he was cuckolded, he had this level of commitment and was such a well renowned man of status and good character and she still kicked him when he was down. If you lose, no matter how you lose and no matter who you were, expect no one* to care for you (notice jobs friends constantly insinuate that he’s done evil because they refuse to believe misfortune can fall on the just).
    *(except for the exceptionally righteous, if only job had another job as a friend)
    1. Actually, the only way that passage can make sense is if the “virgin” is a virgin betrothed to marry. Otherwise, the statement “how can I look upon a maid” is ridiculous because there is no sin in doing so. A man cannot lust after a virgin.
      A man can only commit adultery by having sex with a married woman. If a man commits adultery in his heart by lusting after a woman, it means the woman had to be married.
      In verses 9 and 10, Job is talking about being killed and his wife going to another man where she grinds his grain for him and he has her body when he wants it. That goes quite a bit beyond being cucked, which would be entirely his wife’s fault.
      1. The adultery is clear with the lurking at his neighbors door, one translation is that the deceiving woman is his neighbors wife, I know nothing about the original text and I don’t have a familiarity with the language it would be in so I can’t judge translations.The link I provided has the different translations NIV/ESV/NASB(one i used)/KJV/HCSB(one that calls the deceitful woman the neighbors wife).
        “9If my heart has been seduced by my neighbor’s wife or I have lurked at his door”
        For the lusting after a virgin, considering Jobs made a covenant it doesn’t have to be a sin lust, just the sin of breaking a vow to God.
        >A man can only commit adultery by having sex with a married woman
        I’ve been reading your blogposts over the past few days and I saw this when I was looking over matthew last night, I don’t think this is true in light of verses in Matt. 19
        >8He told them, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because of the hardness of your hearts. But it was not like that from the beginning.
        >9And I tell you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
        There are a few verses in the old testament where God admonishes men not to put away their wives and warns that he is a witness between their bond (I don’t know them by heart so maybe I’m in error), so it seems that putting away your wife, abandoning your responsibility to her, is a separate crime. The jews thought if you divorced her you could morally sidestep your obligations to her and spend all your resources on a new wife. Jesus says that abandoning your old wife and then replacing her was adultery, he doesn’t say that the abandonment is the crime but that taking a replacement wife (as opposed to keeping your obligations to your first wife and marrying a second) is adultery. Besides cuckolding if a man abandons a wife and takes another he commits adultery (and she’s still morally obligated to him besides being abandoned and can’t re-marry without committing adultery).
      2. I don’t see an edit button so I’ll post a new reply.
        >In verses 9 and 10, Job is talking about being killed
        The few times I’ve heard this verse preached or read it I’ve never heard or thought that he was dead. I feel like it’s similar to hosea where he’s told to marry the prostitute then he’s told again to marry and buy the adulterous woman from slavery, one of the commentaries makes the argument that they’re the same woman but she’s run off and is the slave of her new lover and he has to go buy her back. Assuming that’s a correct interpretation the same thing could be being described in Job, God curses him and his wife runs off to and becomes someones concubine/slave. Even in modern times runaway girls often become sex slaves, pimps picking up runaway girls (or encouraging them to runaway) is one of the big sources of underage prostitution this provides the logical argument for how he could be alive and his wife’s someones slave.

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