Unfortunately, Jordan tells lies. He admits he isn’t a pastor or a scholar (although he claims to have studied Greek), but that doesn’t excuse the fact he’s lying about what the Bible says. He’s making claims that only God can make. He’s judging his brothers. In short, he’s a typical churchian.
It’s reasonable to ask why I’m being so hard on this poor child when obviously his parents are to blame for him being the way he is and the answer is simple. He is living proof that not many should be teachers. The best one can say of his gross ignorance of the Bible is that such ignorance is normal these days, but he holds himself out to be a teacher and offers to corrupt people with his ignorance.
Jordan Winsby, is the Apostle Paul a liar? Either the Apostle Paul is a liar or Jordan Winsby is a liar. In a recent comment Jordan Winsby made the following claim:
the Bible actually says multiple times that sex before marriage is sin.
Regular readers of this blog already know that is a lie as well as why it’s a lie, but the churchian logic of Jordie’s reasoning is worth looking at. He said:
1 Corinthians 7:2 says as much by saying a man and woman should get married so they don’t fall into sexual immorality (specifically sex before marriage). People weren’t controlling themselves. Thus, sex before marriage fits under the definition of sexual immorality in which case the Bible says it’s wrong
In the first sentence Jordan Winsby makes the bald claim that sex before marriage is a sin with no support at all. Then he claims “sex before marriage” is sexual immorality, which means that all the passages that forbid sexual immorality include sex before marriage. In other words, “It’s a sin because I say it’s a sin!”
His comments demonstrate that Jordan Winsby has no clue what sexual immorality means. It’s not that his analysis is wrong, it’s that there is no analysis. He claims something is a sin, but God never said that. This is not a matter of opinion, it is laid out for us in Scripture. The Apostle Paul explained this in Romans 4:15 and Romans 5:13.
15. “for the Law brings about wrath, but where there is no law, there also is no violation.”
13. “for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law.”
Sin is what God says it is, because God says it is. We know something is a sin because it is a transgression of the Law and we can see what the prohibitions are. Sin is also something that violates your conscience, but that only applies to you because your faith is weak. And just because your faith is weak, you don’t get to claim your brothers are in sin. But Jordan, this isn’t about issues of conscience, this is about sexual immorality. The Bible is clear what sexual immorality is. Pay attention, Jordan.
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of any close male relative (Leviticus 18:6).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his mother (Leviticus 18:7).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his father’s wife (Leviticus 18:8).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his sister (Leviticus 18:9).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his half-sister (Leviticus 18:9).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his son’s daughter [granddaughter] (Leviticus 18:10).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his daughter’s daughter [granddaughter] (Leviticus 18:10).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his father’s wife’s daughter by his father [half-sister by father] (Leviticus 18:11).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his father’s sister [aunt] (Leviticus 18:12).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his mother’s sister [aunt] (Leviticus 18:13).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his father’s brother’s wife [aunt] (Leviticus 18:14).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his son’s wife [daughter-in-law] (Leviticus 18:15).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of his brother’s wife [sister-in-law] (Leviticus 18:16).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter [step-daughter] (Leviticus 18:17).
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her son’s daughter [step-granddaughter] (Leviticus 18:17). [Polygyny ONLY]
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter’s daughter [step-granddaughter] (Leviticus 18:17). [Polygyny ONLY]
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her sister as a rival while the woman is still living (Leviticus 18:18). [Polygyny ONLY]
- A man may not uncover the nakedness of a woman during her menses (Leviticus 18:19).
- A woman may not have sexual intercourse following the birth of a child: for 40 days if the child is a boy, for 80 days if the child is a girl (Leviticus 12:1-8)
- A man may not have sexual intercourse with another man’s wife (Leviticus 18:20).
- A man may not have any form of sex with another male (Leviticus 18:22).
- A man may not mate with with an animal (Leviticus 18:23).
- A woman may not allow an animal to mate with her (Leviticus 18:23).
OK, that’s 14 instances of incest, 3 instances of incest that are restricted to polygynous marriages, 1 of adultery, 1 of male homosexuality, 2 of bestiality and the prohibitions against sex during the proscribed period following childbirth and while a woman is on her menses. But, did I leave something out?
What about all the instances in which sex played a part in the act of idolatry?
They aren’t sexual immorality because they’re forbidden sexual practices, they’re sexual immorality because they’re idolatry. Just to be clear, consider vaginal intercourse. That’s where your penis penetrates a woman’s vagina. Consider that the exact same act can occur under different circumstances and as you can see, the result isn’t nearly as cut and dried as you might think.
- It’s usually perfectly legitimate when you’re doing it with your wife. (SEX!)
- It’s forbidden to have sex with a woman too soon after the birth of a child. (SIN)
- It’s forbidden do it while she’s menstruating. (SIN)
- It’s adultery if you do it with another man’s wife. (SIN)
- It’s incest if you do it with a blood relative (SIN)
- If you have sex with your virgin babysitter, you have a second wife. (SEX!)
- If it’s a widow and she doesn’t want to marry you, it’s just sex. (SEX!)
- If it’s a prostitute you’ve violated the prohibition against banging whores. (SIN)
- It’s forbidden to make up new rules about sexual morality. (SIN)
Jordan, this is your opportunity to catch a clue. You came here thinking you knew what the Bible says. Quite obviously you don’t. There is nothing in that entire list about sex outside of marriage because sex is how marriages are begun. If sex outside of marriages was forbidden then marriage would be forbidden.
Jordan Winsby Needs Help!
Jordan, there’s still hope, even for you. You’re young and you have time.
Going by your photos and your attitude, you need some serious self-improvement. That, of course, is frowned upon by the church these days. Read this essay several times, you need it. You might want to consider this one as well. You absolutely need to learn Game and I recommend The Rational Male series by Rollo Tomassi to start with and follow that up with “Married Man Sex Life” by Athol Kay. Right now you’re just a whiny gamma bitch, but the good news is there’s hope even for someone like you.
I can’t tell how tall you are but if you’re at least 5′ 10″ this should be easy for you. You have a good facial structure, you’re not fat and appear to have enough of a mesomorphic body-type that putting on muscle wouldn’t be that difficult. I recommend the book “Man 2.0: Engineering The Alpha” by John Romaniello and Adam Bornstein.
You need to join a dojo and learn how to fight. Believe it or not, getting punched in the face regularly it will do you a world of good. While Enderby is a rather small place, I notice there are several gyms, including Flow Martial Arts and Fitness. I recommend Muay Thai as a striking style and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) for a grappling style, but just learning how to box and throw a punch is more than 80% of all men ever get. The point is there are people in your area that can train you.
In terms of what you believe the Bible says, as you are now so once was I. Then I started actually studying my Bible. Forget about taking seminary courses, they don’t teach the Bible- they teach churchian doctrine and use the Bible as support. Which is not the same as teaching the Bible.
In dozens of posts on this blog I have addressed basic questions about when and how a person is actually married. What does the Bible actually say about sexual morality? It is quite obviously not what you think. What is sin? What defines sin? What about divorce? What is adultery?
Judging from your comments, you have no clue what the Bible actually says about this stuff which means you have never studied it and in all likelihood you don’t know how to study. Take the topic of polygyny, for example. Your knee-jerk reaction is probably that polygyny is wrong. I could take you through the Scriptures and show you that God doesn’t change. Then I could show you that God said He had two wives (Jeremiah 31:31-32), that God gave King David multiple wives (1st Samuel 12:8), that God regulated the practice of having multiple wives and even sometimes commanded it (Deuteronomy 25:5-10).
And if you’re like most churchian gammas, you’d still reject it all because that’s what you wanted to believe. Because tradition. Jesus had something to say about that: “In vain to you worship me, teaching as doctrine the precepts of men.”
When it comes to exegesis, antinomies are not allowed, which means you are the one engaging in eisegesis, not me. You claimed I’m trying to justify my sin yet you know nothing of me. This chart isn’t finished yet (it needs to be cleaned up a bit) because I still regularly get insights on how all this works together, but this is a roadmap. You won’t find any antinomies in it.
But, as Vox Day so eloquently put it:
Let’s look at the Scriptures and see what God has to say about that…
“A Christian who believes that it is extremely important to not only be a Christian, but, also to be a member of their specific denomination” – Urban Dictionary