The reader may or may not be familiar with the concept of quantum superposition, but most of us have heard at least a reference to Schrödinger‘s Box or Schrödinger‘s Cat. It comes from a “thought experiment” by Edwin Schrödinger in 1935, in which a cat is locked in a steel box with an amount of radioactive material that triggers a release of poison when it decays. After a certain amount of time the material may or may not have decayed, so the poison may or may not have been released. The cat may or may not be alive. Thus, according to the superposition theory, the cat simultaneously exists as a living cat and a dead cat until reality intrudes and someone opens the box to observe the outcome.
Make of it what you will, but here at Toad’s Hall we have identified Schrödinger‘s Cat: the modern woman.
Schrödinger‘s Pussy?
We start with a little girl who grows to become a woman and one day (the median age is 17.1 years of age) she decided to give her virginity to a guy named Jimmy Schrodinger. With that act she and Jimmy were married and he is her husband. But she didn’t tell her father about this and he had no idea that in giving her virginity to Jimmy that they were married.
This is described in Scripture as the man seducing the eligible virgin. And maybe Jimmy did, but these days the girls don’t need much encouragement if they’re attracted to the man. The thing is, giving her virginity to Jimmy triggered the Law of Marriage (Genesis 2:24) and according to that Law she was married, but her father wasn’t part of that decision. That is critically important because as a young woman living in her father’s house, she is subject to the Law of Vows (Numbers 30) and her father has the authority to review any and every agreement she makes in the day he hears of it.
She knew Jimmy wanted sex. She didn’t have to say anything to agree and when she lifted her ass so he could pull her pants and panties off, that was agreement enough. For an eligible virgin, the act of sex is marriage. When she agreed to have sex, she agreed to marry that man. That agreement to marry was then consummated when they did have sex. This brings up a serious question because she made that decision and then followed through on it before Daddy had a chance to review it. And with the act of marriage, the authority over the woman passes from her father to her husband.
Does that mean Daddy is shut out? Or does he still get to review her agreement? If Daddy forbids her agreement, are they married? That is the case described in Exodus 22:16-17.
“If a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged, and lies with her, he must pay a dowry for her to be his wife. If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he shall[a] pay money equal to the dowry for virgins.” Exodus 22:16-17
The first thing we should note is the underlined words “to be” are in italics. They are a translators addition not found in the original text and instead of clarifying what the text says, the added words change the meaning. Verse 16 describes the father allowing his daughters agreement and they are married. Verse 17 describes the father forbidding her agreement, meaning he refuses to allow his daughter to marry this young man. Which is why the text says “If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him…”
Understand that if he forbids her decision, he is not annulling the marriage, he is refusing to allow the man to marry his daughter. Meaning, from the moment of the agreement (which he later forbid) she is no longer eligible to marry the man. Because that man is no longer eligible to marry her, the subsequent act of coitus does not create a marriage. She is left unmarried and no longer a virgin.
Interestingly, there is no time limit on the father’s authority to forbid an agreement his daughter might have made when she was in her youth living in his house, he may forbid it in the day he hears of it. That may not be until many years later.
Quantum Vagina
If the father never hears of it he can’t forbid that agreement so our girl was married when she gave Jimmy her virginity and she stays married to him. And after she breaks up with Jimmy (and it’s pretty much guaranteed she will), every other man she has sex with after that is an act of adultery. And when she finally has a wedding and “marries” some man years later, the entire affair is fraudulent because she is still married to Jimmy. And if she later decides she isn’t haaappy with the man she had a wedding with and decides to divorce him, it’s meaningless because she wasn’t really married to him in the first place because she’s still married to Jimmy.
If her father does hear of it and he forbids her agreement, even many years later, then that original act of coitus in which she gave Jimmy her virginity did not result in marriage because the agreement came before the penetration and when the penetration occured she was no longer eligible. Because Daddy said no to the marriage. Which is why Exodus 22:17 states “If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him…” When he forbids her agreement to marry he is refusing to give her in marriage to that man. He is no longer eligible to marry her. When Daddy does that (after the fact), it means she is no longer a virgin but she is not married either. Which means that every other man she had sex with after that was not a case of adultery, it was just sex.
Because she was no longer a virgin and never married, when she finally agreed to marry some man, she was married to him because she was eligible to marry AND she was agreeing to marry. Prior to her father forbidding that original agreement she was living in adultery with the man she only thought she was married to; after he forbids it she’s living in marriage with her husband and has never committed adultery up to that point.
The modern woman as Schrödinger‘s Pussy.
She is both an eligible virgin and an ineligible virgin. Depending on her history, she is married to one man and married to another man at the same time. She is married and not married at the same time. She is an adulteress and also a woman who has never committed adultery. We do not actually know the reality of the situation until we can observe that her father forbid his daughter’s agreement to get married. It’s a box that stays closed until her father takes action or dies without taking action.
This illustrates the power of fathers. Oh- and do make note of that part about “in her youth and living in her father’s house.” That’s a limiting restriction on her father’s authority to review and forbid her agreements. Perhaps that’s why there is such a satanic focus on separating children from their fathers. Regardless what churchians know or don’t know, Satan knows full well the power of a father.
Should the daughter take the unspoken disapproval into account?
What do witches do?
Are only females witches, or can a man be a witch?
How can a witch be identified?
What death penalty crime has been committed?
There has to be a defined crime with a penalty of death and that can only be decided on the testimony of two or more witnesses, so what crime does a witch commit to get them executed?
How is that crime proved?
What are the elements of that crime?
What was happening with the nation of Israel at that time??
Why is it important?
What major events occurred immediately prior to this?
Think timeline.
Timeline and events.
What was the Phineas priesthood? What was their purpose?
Again, think timeline and events.
What was their job, in general?
Why is that important?
Did only the children of Israel come out of Egypt when they left?
The key word you’re looking for is tradition.
Were the people allowed to continue with the religious traditions of Egypt?
Who enforced this?
How do you deal with resistance to change?