The hysteria about the Trump tape comes down to one thing: Truth.
“When you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the pussy.”
Want to know why the women are offended by that? Because what he said is the absolute truth and they know it. Know why the men are so offended? Because they are scared shitless that it’s the truth, knowing they are NOT a star, that they are not attractive men. Even more so, they know they could never get away with something like that.
The important truth in that statement was “When you’re a star they let you do it” but pussies focus on the word pussy.
It’s just another one of those hard truths about women that men don’t want to acknowledge and women don’t want men to understand. Because a better way to say it would have been:
When they’re highly attracted to you they let you do it. A lot of them want you to. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the pussy.
Look at the man who is saying this, because he’s a bull alpha. He (especially when he was younger) combined power, status, money and looks in a way that very, very few other men have ever been able to do. As the poisonous troglodyte Henry Kissinger once said “power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” He has the respect and honor of other men. Men want to be him and women want to be with him. In other words, he’s a very attractive man.
Does that mean all women are like that? No, but the percentage who are not is very small if it’s the right man at the right time in the right place with the right line.
But women cannot allow the truth of what he said to stand and in the feminist-controlled modern discourse, the truth is automatically denied by those who know it to be truth as well as by those who wish it wasn’t true.
The “grab them by the pussy” remark proves that Trump understands this. And by doing it, he proves to the women that he is what he comes across as. Does it always work? No, but I’ll bet that the vast majority of the time it did work.
Not that it has much bearing but, while men can have “groupies”, it seems that women don’t. That is another head scratcher.
I personally find Trump repugnant but I like your budget plan better than Clinton he seem to live by the rule the real men live by: never asked for forgiveness nor permission.
PS Jeffrey Skilling had a lot more women than Trump just Saying