In the last post we saw that God’s wrath on the West came in the form of removing His influence and restraint. God didn’t cause bad things to happen, He simply stopped restraining people from following their evil desires. The reason for this was modern idolatry- the theory of evolution. Because they knew God and turned their backs to Him, claiming He wasn’t the Creator because we’d evolved by mere chance… God decided to stop helping everyone and removed His restraining influence. He turned them over to their evil desires.
Forbidding Marriage
Another aspect of this is found in a prophesy that Paul made in 1st Timothy 4:1-5, wherein evil things happen because of the doctrine of demons taught by deceitful spirits and evil men. Specifically, we’re looking at the first part of verse 3 (underlined):
“But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron,men who forbid marriage…”
The word translated as “forbid” is kóluó (Strong’s 2967). Definition: I prevent, debar, hinder; with infin: from doing so and so. The English definition of the word “debar” is exclude or prohibit (someone) officially from doing something.
The “something” being forbidden is marriage, which was designed by God. We have already covered the fact that “modern marriage” is not the marriage that God designed. Why would it be the doctrine of demons to prevent or hinder marriage?
The depraved passion of feminism has caused women to give up the natural function of being a wife and mother under the authority of her husband for the unnatural, which is the rejection of men and any form of marriage at all. I would certainly call feminism both a depraved passion as well as a doctrine of demons that excludes and hinders marriage. After all, the feminists told us “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.”
The teaching that “sex doesn’t make you married” produced the widespread promiscuity of today’s culture, because the official position of the churchians is sex with a virgin does not create a marriage. The churchians teach that it’s only “premarital sex” and God will forgive them, so what’s the point of “saving yourself” for marriage? They don’t, which sets the women up as lifelong adulteresses.
This is the way of Baalam, placing a stumbling block before God’s people. The result of this is within the church at least 80% of the people who think they are married are not, they are living together in adultery. Why does the church have no power? Because they are in sin. Who teaches the doctrines of feminism and forbidding marriage? Feminist, churchian leaders cause the people to hear the lies,
“the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron”
According to Genesis 2:24, when the eligible virgin is penetrated by the man, she is married with that act. Yet, today the marriage that results is “forbidden” by modern churchian leadership, who claim that no such marriage exists because sex does not create a marriage. The Holy Spirit prophesied through Paul this would happen in 1st Timothy 4:3. The result of this doctrine of demons is widespread adultery both in and outside the church. The so-called “epidemic of divorce” does not exist because the vast, vast majority of such “divorces” do not end marriages, they end adulterous unions.
Of course, one could always view the “forbid marriage” in the traditional light of the RCC-Prot fight, that Catholic priests are not allowed to be married. For multiple reasons such as the advice of the Apostle Paul and the teaching of Jesus, this is a poor second choice in the matter. Why would it be a doctrine of demons when Paul said he wished others were as he was, celibate in order to focus his energy on the Kingdom of the Lord?
Some might say this represents a Christian MGTOW teaching, but Churchianity and MGTOW are completely incompatible. Paul’s prophecy was to the church, about some falling away from the faith because of these teachings. However, there is another aspect to this forbidding of marriage.
The Real Reason For Attacks On Marriage
In modern times, who are the enemies of the family? First and foremost must be the depraved passion of feminism. Second, we have churchians and their depraved marital doctrines of ‘servant leadership’ and ‘mutual submission’ that destroy marriages. Feminism is completely in control of the government, which it uses as a tool to destroy families with the blessing of the churchians.
Why is the family such a target for destruction? The simple answer is that in general, individuals become Christians prior to puberty based on the teaching and example of their parents. Church growth follows population growth because it is rare for an adult who is set in their ways to repent and become a Christian. Guess what? It is the father who determines whether the children become members of the church, not the mothers. A study proving this was done in 1994 and published in 2000, but hardly anyone has heard of it. It is not available online (surprise) but but can be purchased.
The most critical information that came out of that study involves the impact of the father’s religious behavior on the children. The following table lays out the religious attendance practice of adult children according to the attendance practice of their parents. Regular attendance, irregular attendance and no attendance, in percentages (%).
Parents | Parents | Children | Children | Children | Children |
Father | Mother | Regular | Irregular | None | Total |
Regular | Regular | 32.8 | 41.4 | 25.8 | 100.0 |
Regular | Irregular | 37.7 | 37.6 | 24.7 | 100.0 |
Regular | None | 44.2 | 22.4 | 33.4 | 100.0 |
Irregular | Regular | 3.4 | 58.6 | 38.0 | 100.0 |
Irregular | Irregular | 7.8 | 60.8 | 31.4 | 100.0 |
Irregular | None | 25.4 | 22.8 | 51.8 | 100.0 |
None | Regular | 1.5 | 37.4 | 61.1 | 100.0 |
None | Irregular | 2.3 | 37.8 | 59.9 | 100.0 |
None | None | 4.6 | 14.7 | 80.7 | 100.0 |
Let’s red-pill this and look at the numbers. We assume the children will attend church as adults because they have become Christians as children.
- A devout father has the greatest impact on the children regardless of his wife’s behavior and in terms of regular attendance of the children as adults, this occurs most frequently when the wife is not in attendance at all.
- A father who has only irregular attendance has only a negligible impact on the regular attendance of the children unless the wife is not in attendance at all. The adult children will generally tend to mirror his irregular attendance.
- Remove the father and regardless of the mothers attendance, the children will at best only attend church irregularly as adults and the vast majority of the children will be lost to the church.
Forbidding Polygyny
The incredible pressure to destroy families and get fathers out of the children’s lives is explained with this information, because destroying the family is the key to destroying the church. Which brings us to a fascinating point: When it comes to the issue of “forbid marriage” it seems polygyny is the keystone. Let’s look at why Satan is opposed to it so much.
We know that Satan does not work against himself. The central burning question is why feminists and churchians both hate the idea of polygyny with such a passion. Why, at every turn, is polygyny opposed with such determination and ferocity? Why do the homosexuals oppose it? Why does virtually every player on the field oppose it?
Let’s look at this from the opposite side: why do churchians, feminists, homosexuals and virtually all enemies of the family espouse the doctrine of strict monogamy? If polygyny was so bad and evil as all the little churchians say, why is it that Satan’s hard-hitters are so opposed to it?
- Socially imposed monogamy is a structure designed to fail because it gives women a monopoly by removing the threat of competition. Strict monogamy removes accountability from women.
- Social acceptance of multiple wives redefines marriage as patriarchal instead of feminist (monogamous) marriage. With the acceptance that men may legitimately have more than one wife, there is no longer “monogamy” or “polygyny” but only marriage. Some have multiple wives, the vast majority have only one, but there is always the possibility a second wife could be added. Women no longer have a monopoly.
- Only high-value men can achieve a polygynous marriage, but such a marriage ensures they are disproportionately represented in the number of their offspring compared to men with only one wife.
- Multiple wives is the death-blow to feminism because it emphasizes the separate and distinct standards of sexual morality for men and women. Men and women are not equal.
- High-value men with multiple wives are an example for men to strive for because the structure of a polygynous marriage make the husband more dominant and the wives more feminine if the man is capable of handling more than one wife.
Objections: Mormons and Islam
This should be obvious. The Satanic goal is the destruction of the church so the intermediate objective is the destruction of Christian families. Opposition to patriarchal marriage needs a boogy-man, which comes in the form of renegade Mormons (FLDS) and Islam. Both have three central characteristics to the marriages, the first of which is the idea that all men should have more than one wife. History shows us that in societies that permitted polygyny, very few men had more than one wife. The study of Game informs us that only a small percentage of men are high-value (attractive) enough to garner the serious attention of multiple women. The result of this “all men should be poly” attitude creates two characteristics in their marriages.
Child brides. There reason both groups have a tendency toward child brides, which is that most men are not of sufficiently high value for adult women to willingly choose to share them. The prepubescent or barely pubescent girls are married off to adult men before they have the maturity and strength of character to reject them.
Disposable sons. In the FLDS communities, these disposable sons become the “lost boys” who are not up to par and thus discarded. Ejected from the community to make a life somewhere else because there will not be enough women for them to have even one wife. In the Islamic world, the sons are sent off to jihad. The appeal of strapping on a suicide vest to get a quick entry into paradise and 72 virgins must hold some appeal to these men who have no hope of getting a wife in this life.
The combination of these characteristics produces dysfunctional marriages and social conflict. Churchians point to the problems with such marriages in the FLDS and Muslim communities as if the form of marriage is at fault. We know there is nothing wrong with the form of marriage because God designed it. Yet, the form of the marriage is tarred with the brush of abuse within the context of Mormonism and Islam.
The result is God’s design for marriage is rejected by Christians as being a characteristic of the Godless heathens, leaving the Christians with the churchian feminist marriage of enforced monopoly for women. Nobody every said demons were stupid…
This video may interest you it’s about flight the NWO. I personally don’t care for his personality but the info is good
I have other theological questions and questions regarding becoming fit to rule, but to me this question is the most pressing. If I am not truly saved, then I have bigger problems than my social and sexual market place value to worry about. I worry more about my eternity than I do my time here.
Due you very go to Chicago?