It’s “Baroque” To Be Feminine

Let’s take a look at this. Turn up the speakers and sit back.

Other than the fact they can really sing, what do we notice about that video? To begin with, the women are all modestly dressed in a feminine manner. They haven’t hacked their hair off. While maybe a couple of them could lose a few pounds, they are all nicely height-weight proportionate, far more so than the majority of middle-aged women. Their makeup is so tastefully applied they appear not to be wearing any and there is not a tattoo in sight. The only way these ladies could go further would be longer hair and head coverings.
Wait. Did he say head coverings? Indeed I did. While I was only referring to using scarves, there is something about a woman who covers her head in submission to men that is quite attractive. Some even consider it erotic.
But let’s not get sidetracked. They smile. A lot. They display smiling affection to the men. Their body language is gentle and feminine. Add it all up and we have a very attractive collection of middle-aged women who give every appearance of being ladies. Why? Because they’re modestly feminine in their demeanor and dress. Dare I even say it?
They come across as sweet and submissive Christian ladies. Yes, I know, they’re playing a role.
Let’s compare them to another group in which the women are 20 years younger. These kids go to Bowdoin College, which is consistently ranked as one of the top 10 liberal arts colleges in the United States.

Younger, and… what? They don’t appear to have hacked their hair off but that’s about all I can say. They aren’t feminine. At least they can sing, though.
Maybe I’m being unfair, because the first video was a professional production piece and the singers are professionals. Serious professionals. The costumes they wore were intentionally chosen to communicate a message. Their countenances and demeanor during the performance are also meant to communicate a message. Why is it that theater people can and do understand that how one dresses and how one behaves sends a message, but Christians can’t seem to comprehend that?
The second video is an amateur production of college students who dress the way feminism has taught them, not realizing their choice of costume also communicates a message. Instead of smiles, we see the occasional smirk; and even though I think they were trying to be serious because it’s a spiritual song, their demeanor also communicates a message.
The difference is day and night.
But, they’re still young. They could learn but they probably won’t and one reason is it’s rare to see one attractive woman dressed in such a modestly conservative fashion, much less a group of them. The girls just don’t have good examples any more. It isn’t in the clothes, it’s the attitude the clothes and demeanor represent. A state of mind, if you will, and it signals a clear message to men: We are worth marrying.
You know it’s coming… The smiles, the affection for each other, can you imagine coming home to these three? Can you imagine listening to them sing your children to sleep?
But, wait! These girls are younger, hotter and tighter! Pick one! They’ll have a fabulous degree from a top-ranked liberal arts college! And that red-head in the second row might clean up well…
Just know this: you’ll remember that sweet voice in your nightmares after she’s cranked out a couple of kids and then divorce-rapes the shit out of you a few years after that. Because that feminist education and indoctrination will never go away.
Now I’m accused of cherry-picking to make my point. I wish I were. Yes, the women in the original video are all beautiful and way above average in their youth, but they are all in middle age now. Here’s a collection of young women from the same college at the height of their youth and fertility, the all female A cappella group Miscellania:
That blonde on the left, the one with the dress that comes all the way down to the top of her knees, she’s on the right track but if that dress were a foot longer it would really emphasize how slim she is. The blond in the middle has a nice smile but that dress makes her look fat or worse yet, pregnant. Granted, these girls look somewhat feminine, but it’s the next photo that gives it away.
The blonde in the middle with the nice smile? She can’t believe what the idiot to her left is doing. And the one in the light blue dress on the right of the photo? She rotated her pelvis so you could see the strap-on she’s wearing. Talk about sending a message. Even our semi-conservatively dressed blonde on the left of the photo is sending you a message, telling you what’s going to happen a few years after you put a ring on it.
Take a good look guys, pick your favorite and ask yourself this question: Is that the woman I want to send my child support and alimony checks to?

8 thoughts on “It’s “Baroque” To Be Feminine

    1. Hmmmmm.
      You can’t judge a book by its cover,
      but can guess as to your pleasure
      by gauging the flex of her spine,
      and gently you feel to see if she’s real,
      hoping her story is fine.
      For great tales are seldom selected,
      the masses don’t like the sublime,
      preferring instead their perversions,
      not selected they’re often neglected,
      as I’ve come to learn over time.
      Fine old tales are complex and sweet,
      taking hold they grow in your mind,
      so don’t think new means better,
      old and sweet can still be a treat,
      but let me have three at a time.
      Spotting a brand new edition,
      with signs of too much attention,
      you wonder with some indecision,
      at her cover well worn and her pages now torn,
      did she just attend a convention?
      Be wary of beginning that story,
      for knowing not where she’s been,
      it’s easy to fail to guess the true tale,
      and if sucked in there’s no way to defend,
      from the horrible ending she holds.
      Great older tales, so complex and fine,
      not telling or yelling or swelling,
      are much like an excellent wine,
      delightfully read, I’d like three in my bed,
      that’s right, I’ll take three at a time.
        1. I probably did this post because of the performances I’ve seen by all the lead singers in opera performances. Abigail Lennox is an INCREDIBLE soprano and deserves better roles. Her performance here is incredible. Sandra Simon, as the lead soprano, eclipses Abigail. Scott Mello is an incredible tenor who makes the group.
          Yes, it’s kind of a rip-off of the scene in “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou” but Janet, Abigail and Jeannette are all professional opera singers. They blow Alison Krauss out of the water. The video is nuanced on so many levels it’s not funny and I say that as a thespian.
          I seriously doubt that they’re Christians but they act the role far better than any Christian women you could hope to find. And they sing like angels.
          Take-away points: there is an alternative to pop music. Real music.

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