What If Everyone Has It Wrong?
What if becoming ‘one flesh’ is the mixing of the microbiome and DNA that occurs within an intimate relationship? The most intimate act is sexual intercourse, but kissing and any other exchange of body fluids, close physical contact and even sleeping very close together (respiratory transmission) would be included.
In other words, what if becoming one flesh isn’t a spiritual joining, but literally becoming one as the flora and fauna of the two normalize between the two as the woman absorbs the genetic material of her man? The Apostle Paul described it as a great mystery, which makes perfect sense from the standpoint that he knew nothing of genetics or the presence of the microbiome. Just because something is a great mystery does not mean that mystery cannot be revealed as time goes by.
With that in mind we’ll go over a bit of data and then take a look at how this lines up with what Scripture says.
First, let’s look at the microbiome.
The last point made by the graphic above is critical. With 99.9% genetic equality, we are 80% to 90% different because of individual differences in the microbiome within each person. Let’s look at another graphic and see if there’s anything interesting there.

Genetic Transmission
In the previous post, I mentioned Dr. Lazar Greenfield and the screeching horde of feminists who derailed his career because he had the temerity to point out the benefits of semen to women. In case you missed it, along with all the enzymes, prostaglandins and other goodies contained in the semen that are absorbed by the woman as a result of sex, the woman is getting a dose of his DNA. These substances are absorbed by her body and show up in measurable amounts in her bloodstream following sex. Which is why women who are regularly absorbing baby-batter are provably happier than those who practice “safe sex” or abstain from sex.
The implications, however, are more important that what is actually said. The women are absorbing the man’s semen, which contains his DNA. As we shall see, that DNA becomes part of her body.
Telegony is the theory that characteristics of a woman’s previous sexual partner can become incorporated in the offspring of a later (different) father of her child. The entire monolith of feminism is opposed to such a theory and currently the theory is considered “discredited” by the so-called scientific community. Interestingly, Professor James Ewart set out to disprove the theory of Telegony propounded by Lord Morton some 50 years earlier with his Penicuik Experiments. This was prior to Mendel’s experiments into heredity so he was shooting in the dark. Even as late as 1979 “science” was still hard at work to disprove telegony when Burkhardt’s “Closing the door on Lord Morton’s mare: the rise and fall of telegony”was published. His work is now cited as the “proof” that telegony is discredited.
Except that it wasn’t discredited: Burkhardt succeeded in designing an investigation that failed to prove that telegony exists.
In the same year it was proven that fetal cells of the baby invade the mother’s body and leave the father’s DNA in her body, including her brain. It has likewise been proven that the DNA of a previous father can be passed to the younger siblings who have a different father. If one reads merely the abstract that study, what should get your attention is this:
Male microchimerism was present in 6 of 12 UCB samples analyzed. In conclusion, female UCB comprises HY-specific cytotoxic T cells. The immunization is presumably caused by transmaternal cell flow of male microchimerism present in the mother. (emphasis added)
Umbilical cord blood belongs to the baby. Pointing to the male microchimerism (presence of DNA that does not belong to either the father or mother) in the umbilical cord blood is to point to male microchimerism in the baby. Note that the study was oriented toward a different object and this result was unintended. The point is the study proves that male DNA from a man who is not the father was found in six of the twelve samples analyzed.
The question is whether the DNA was present as a result of the mother’s previous pregnancy or whether it was the result of “merely” having a previous sexual partner is one that was not answered by the study. What should be understood is studies specifically designed to disprove telegony have been “successful” while other studies have accidentally proved telegony to be a real and observed phenomena. Does anyone imagine any fair research will be done in this area in the face of shrieking hordes of feminists?
I assert that a fair study to follow up on the observed phenomena of male microchimerism in the umbilical cord blood that would seek to determine where this DNA came from cannot be made. There is already significant evidence that fetal cells invade the mother during pregnancy (cells containing half the DNA of the father) and this results in genetic chimerism in the mother. Observably it has been proven that a man’s semen is absorbed by the woman’s body following sexual activity, which opens the door to genetic chimerism or microchimerism in the woman as a result of sexual intercourse.
If we proceed with the understanding that a woman’s previous sexual partners have deposited both their DNA and microbiome in her body and said DNA and microbiome have permanently become part of her body, what impact should this have on our understanding of various instructions of the Bible concerning sex? Consider these:
- The command of circumcision. Circumcision dramatically lowers the amount of microbial material the man places into the woman and with the removal of the foreskin the woman’s microbiome can’t colonize the man in what would have been an equal exchange. The impact of circumcision is to cause the microbial transmission to be far more of a one-way flow from man to woman.
- The importance and meaning of virginity to marriage. Obviously the virgin would not be pregnant with another man’s child, but likewise she would not be polluted by another man’s DNA and microbiome that would result from a sexual union that did not cause a pregnancy. In this age of so-called “vaginal virgins” a woman can arguably no longer be considered a virgin after having oral and anal sex with other men simply because she hadn’t been penetrated vaginally, given the exchange of microbiome and genetic material.
- The command against adultery takes on an entirely new light because rather than being a sexual violation, adultery is the act of polluting (adultering) a woman’s body with another man’s microbes and DNA, an act that cannot be undone.
- The command to the priests to only take a virgin wife. He is forbidden to take a widow, a divorced woman or a woman profaned by harlotry in order that he not profane their offspring before the Lord. Considering that the widow, the (legitimately) divorced woman and the woman profaned by harlotry might all lawfully be married, this is more support for the idea that God places a great deal of importance on genetic purity that encompasses the micobiome. This supports the point that a man’s DNA becomes part of the woman with nothing more than the act of sexual intercourse.
- The command to the Israelites not to intermarry with the tribes around them, which would pollute the people. Part of who the people were was found in the microbiome within their bodies and their DNA. Mixing it with other peoples was forbidden.
- The command that no child born of an illegitimate marriage (a mamzer) be allowed to join the assembly of the Lord down to the 10th generation. That word is also translated as a “mongrel race” in Zechariah 9:6, which indicates the word includes children born of an illegitimate marriage to the people God said not to intermarry with.
- The dichotomy in the treatment of rape offenses: for a married woman or betrothed virgin it was a death penalty. Rape of an eligible virgin resulted in marriage and there is no mention of the rape of a widow or divorced woman as being a crime. In the case of the married woman or betrothed woman, there was a man who was injured by having his wife permanently adultered (polluted) by another man. In the case of the eligible virgin she was married. The widow and divorced women are not mentioned because they already have the DNA and microbiome of another man.
- The command of the levirate marriage. A brother was to take the widow as his wife in order to get an heir who would be an extremely close genetic and microbial match, in order to carry on the bloodline of the dead brother.
- The prohibition against intercourse with a woman who is menstruating.
- The prohibitions against bestiality, which would introduce new and possibly harmful organisms into the body. Syphilis is a disease of sheep.
- The prohibitions against incest, which can only be aimed at later generations to prevent genetic problems that would result.
I’m not claiming this as doctrine. Nor am I claiming there is no spiritual significance or spiritual action in the joining as one flesh. What I am saying is the statement of Jesus that “what God has joined together” could be interpreted as a direct action by God or as an indirect action by God because God designed mankind for this to happen. That Paul would describe it as a great mystery is obvious. That we have an idea of what is happening doesn’t mean we’ve solved the mystery, but the mystery may very well have been solved at least partially.
To get started learning about the microbiome, one might want to take a look at “The Human SuperOrganism: How the Microbiome Is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life” by Rodney Dietert; “The Germ Files” by Jason Tetro; “Welcome to the Microbiome: Getting to Know the Trillions of Bacteria and Other Microbes In, On, and Around You” by Rob DeSalle and Susan L. Perkins. These books communicate the general ideas. A quick peek at Amazon demonstrates how the writers of new books on this topic are orienting the information about the microbiome to focus on weight-loss. With over 70% of the population overweight or obese, this seems natural. Good luck finding books that explore any underlying issues involved with a man and woman merging their microbiome profiles.
Sex And Becoming One Flesh
As has been demonstrated time and time again on this blog and elsewhere, the perverts in the early church such as Jerome, Gregory and Augustine hated sex and sexual pleasure, considering it to be wicked, evil and a sin. Yet, there was that command to be fruitful and multiply, so the church eventually settled on dogma that only vaginal intercourse within marriage was legitimate, but only if the purpose was reproduction. In other words, procreation only and not recreation. Other forms of sexual expression were forbidden as sodomy (anal) and oral sodomy (oral). Even vaginal penetration was to be as infrequent as possible and the church went so far as to forbid any position other than the “missionary position.” Anything that might stimulate sexual desire such as touching, hugging or kissing was to be avoided.
If we consider that the bond of one flesh is an ongoing process similar to sanctification (the process of growing in Christ, becoming more of a part of the body of Christ), it should be obvious the policies of the church were contrary the development of the one flesh bond and actually hurt the institution of marriage.
If we consider the bond of one flesh to be the mixing of the microbiome and DNA between husband and wife, rather than a spiritual joining, it should be obvious that trying to minimize or eliminate sex from marriage was an attempt to minimize the bonding between husband and wife.
For the record, there are numerous historical records from the church that demonstrate the church favored policies (for political reasons) that weakened marriage, but that is not the subject of this post.
Sex, Emotion and Desire
As God stated in Genesis 3:16, a woman’s desire shall be for a man who is fit to rule over her. Maintaining that desire through the course of a marriage requires the man to be a wise ruler and the data from the study of Game provides some relevant details as to how that process works. Rollo Tomassi’s Rational Male series provides an excellent foundation of knowledge. The Rational Male and The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine are both descriptive works that should be required reading for every man. I don’t agree with Rollo’s position on the subject of evolution, but other than that, his work is excellent and I suspect his upcoming third book in the series (The Rational Male: Positive Masculinity) will be worth reading as well.
Almost all feminist churchians and sincere Christians get very upset about data that comes from the PUA (Pick-Up Artist) research. After all, the PUA’s are a bunch of men who were trying to figure out what caused women to be attracted to a man and how to stimulate that attraction in order to get laid. “Immorality!” they screech. Yet, they are comfortable with “science” that is completely oriented around evolution, which is the religion of humanism and a form of idolatry. Call them out on it and they will hypocritically say that evidence is evidence and we should use it…
The author Athol Kay has taken a prescriptive approach and while he has been criticized for simply gathering the “best of game”, he stepped beyond that. Athol’s achievement was to take the data and observations of the PUA’s and apply it to long-term relationships, especially marriage. He detailed the point that women need a combination of alpha dominance and beta comfort in order to ensure the long-term success of a relationship in his book “Married Man Sex Life Primer“. Notably, he identified the reaction of women to the men’s behaviors in terms of brain chemistry- alpha dominance provoking a domamine response and beta comfort provoking an oxytocin response.
Rollo professes to be a Christian but approaches his study of women from the standpoint of evolutionary psychology. Athol (and his wife) are former conservative Christians who now profess to be atheists and he likewise approaches his position from an evolutionary standpoint. Both of them draw on the observations and data collected for decades by the PUA’s which has coalesced into what is known as “Game”.
There is another data source with a number of interesting and provable observations, which is the Dominance/submissive (D/s) relationships within the BDSM community. The Bible is very clear that marriage is a D/s relationship in which men and women are clearly not equal. As I pointed out in the post 50 Shades of Biblical Marriage, the Biblical standards for marriage read like a D/s relationship contract. The point that most will miss is simple: the various acts within an intimate relationship meet different needs of both the men and women in terms of dominance and submission.
The three basic types of sexual activity can be divided up as follows:
Oral. This is a one-way act and generally should be construed as an act of worship. It doesn’t matter which way it goes, but in general it’s an act of worship by the one giving the oral sex that flows to the one receiving. The one giving receives no pleasure from the act and they perform a sacrificial suffering of discomfort performing the act. Yet, many women testify they enjoy (on an emotional level) performing the act. Which describes an act of worship.
Anal. This aspect of sex is an expression of dominance on the part of the man. It can be both painful and pleasurable for the woman, although it is almost always painful to some extent. The one being penetrated is submitting to the dominance of the one doing the penetration. As with spanking, some women enjoy and desire being completely dominated in this fashion.
Vaginal. The act of vaginal intercourse is mutually pleasurable and generates the most comfort for the woman. It is the only one by which the woman will become pregnant and is the most equal of the three in terms of pleasure given and received. Depending on position there can be differences in who is in the dominant position but vaginal intercourse is arguably the act of joining that facilitates mutual bonding and comfort, particularly for women.
Why Bring This Up?
There is a theory which states women need all three aspects (worship, dominance and bonding) in order to have a balanced relationship with their husband and all of these correspond to the alpha/beta dynamic that must be kept in balance to avoid problems. Which, of course, is enough to make almost all Christians scream with outrage. Especially the women who are married to a man they aren’t attracted to.
If we consider acts of dominance, worship and joining, there are emotional needs being satisfied with these acts for both men and women. Only an idiot would look at the situation and say that joining was the only acceptable path because the evidence clearly states women have a need for masculine dominance and men have a need to dominate. Women have a need to completely submit (and what is more submissive than worship?) while men have a need to be praised and exalted.
All of this goes back to the beginning, where God said “your desire shall be for the man who is fit to rule over you.” And, yes, that’s my translation and it’s accurate.
It is ironic that Christians who readily accept the theory of evolution and deny that God is the Creator are triggered by the idea that fellatio is arguably an act of worship. Putting the hypocrisy aside, they cannot comprehend the difference between a woman’s act of worship for her master as her master and the act of worshiping God because He is God. Ephesians 5:22-24 takes on an entirely non-feminist meaning in this light.
Wives, to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives to their husbands in everything. (Translators additions to the text removed)
Which is to say that whatever the church gives to Christ, the wife is to give to her husband. That word “everything” is unbounded within the constraints of obedience and submission. If the church owes praise and worship to Christ as the Savior, so too does the wife owe praise and worship to her husband as the man who rules over her. Since God does not change this passage cannot mean the husband is to be worshiped as God, but it does call for her worship of him as her ruler.
Interestingly, there is nothing in Scripture that forbids what a man and his woman do in terms of sex EXCEPT for sex while she’s menstruating. While those evil Canaanites were certainly engaged in all manner of sexual practices, God’s only injunction was against sex while a woman was menstruating. The fact that God forbid intercourse while a woman is menstruating is the proof that God chose not to forbid any other form of sexual congress between a man and his woman.
From the perspective of mixing the colonies of the microbiome, any variety in sexual practices will hasten and reinforce that, with the general flow of colonization going from man to woman.
Some of the more gentle readers might be appalled, but God did not forbid fellatio, cunnilingus or anal sex between a man and woman. And as it turns out, there are actually good reasons to engage in these activities from the standpoint of meeting needs and relationship dynamics indicate there are likewise good reasons to engage in all of these behaviors. The one flesh aspects of the microbiome and DNA transmission that are enhanced by such activities depends on whether one believes that “becoming one flesh” is a good thing.
And just as an aside, did anyone notice that the rules and restrictions on sex that the ancient church put in place (without knowing anything about the science) were practically designed to damage marriages? Evidently Satan understood genetics and the microbiome back then on a level better than we do now.
This is wonderful post
I think of sex as communion for the marriage convent. I was originally taught not to kiss until marriage, later I was upset with this rule but this makes sense
Eve came out of Adam his DNA made her
> I’ve been meaning to ask for a while, but how does the Bible define sex? I’ve made some interesting progress on this question myself, and I’d love to hear your perspective.
> If you haven’t, I’d highly recommend looking up sexual euphemisms in the Bible, then reading Ruth 3. Apparently there’s some innuendo that isn’t present in a typical study.
> I still don’t get why you don’t see Ezekiel 16:8 as a useful portrait of marriage. Even though the passage is metaphorical, metaphors derive their meaning from their correspondence to reality. To say we can’t learn about marriage from it is to say we can’t learn about a building from a photograph.
Likewise, the risk of disease is similar to risks associated with unprotected vaginal sex. Gay men don’t have higher rates of disease because they practice anal; gay men have higher rates of disease because they do irresponsible things such as have unprotected sex with several strangers. Furthermore, the argument that anal sex increases the risk of anal cancer because of Hpv could also be used against having having vaginal sex because hpv invreases the risk of cervical and vaginal cancers as well. Should a married couple avoid anal if neither of them have been sleeping with anyony else and thus don’t have hpv?
I think what is grosss is question of personal taste.
Genesis 3:16 “…..and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee”….nearly every time I see that verse being quoted in the comment section they change God’s word and add to it by saying “IF HE IS FIT TO RULE OVER YOU”…….Forgive me for stating the obvious but adding to the word of God is a serious offence to HIM, as that’s NOT what the txt says, it’s an interpretation based on some preconceived belief that you hold…..you can give what you believe is YOUR interpretation of that verse but let’s not pretend here that’s what God SAID
I consider myself a student of the bible and I’m always open to new beliefs that differ from my own so could anyone in here give me your justification for changing what God said? I would be interested to hear your explanations
My understanding of that passage is that despite the curse placed upon all women to sexually desire men, they will netherless be placed in a position that they would rule over them in one form of the other
Changing God’s word to say that only those who are “FIT TO RULE ” is not only bad exegesis but straining at a gnat in order to hold to a preconceived theology
Have I got this right guys or am I misreading something here?
so give me a day and I’ll lay it out for you. I think you will be able to lay aside the “preconceived theology” fears. In the meanwhile, I suggest you take a hard look at the text and see what Hebrew is translated into what English.