Theology For Men of the West: Biblical Marriage

Marriage Monogamy Monopoly

Modern Monogamy is Monopoly for Women
In the first post of this series, we saw that Man was created by God from the dust of the ground. However, it was not good for man to be alone, so God took a rib from Adam and created Eve. She was created to be a helper to him, to help him accomplish his mission.
The Mission of Man (Genesis 1:28) states:


God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”


The Law of Marriage (Genesis 2:24) states:


“For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.”


It seems hard to believe, but that verse became the centerpiece of the war against the nobility that was waged by the church in the Middle Ages. The result was all the lies that were told became entrenched in the culture, which is how we got this travesty called modern marriage.

Modern Marriage

According to Churchians, marriage requires a third party to “solemnize” or “officiate” the marriage and claim the marriage is by the act of mutual consent before witnesses. As a rule they generally believe that marriage also requires a license from the state. Following consent in which the couple is “married” with the permission and consent of a third party, sex is considered the “consummation” of the marriage. Churchians believe that sex is only allowed following such a ceremony and indeed, churchians claim that sex is only moral and licit when it occurs within a marital union.
The modern ideal of marriage is one man with one woman, til divorce do they part (or annulment among certain groups), a union of enforced monogamy for as long as it may last and to hell with the kids who get destroyed in the process of divorce. The standard of commitment is the same for both husband and wife- strict monogamy until it ends. Churchians claim that any “cheating” on the part of either the husband or wife is adultery and therefore grounds for divorce. Not that grounds are even needed now that no-fault divorce allows divorce for any reason or even no reason at all.
There are no modern standards of eligibility other than a restriction on the marriage of close relatives and a prohibition on multiple (state sanctioned) marriages. While historically only a man could be charged with bigamy (the crime of having more than one licensed concurrent marriage), recently women have been getting charged with bigamy as well. Standards no longer even require a man and woman because modern marriage now includes monogamous homosexual unions in addition to heterosexual unions.
How this situation came about is a long story filled with lies, political intrigue and the pursuit of power at any cost by the rulers of the church from about 600 to 1100 AD. It should be pointed out that Wizard’s First Rule states “People are stupid. They will believe a lie because they either want it to be true or fear it to be true.” The most amazing thing is that not just churchians but pretty much everyone believes this shit.
“Men and women are equal.”
That is complete bullshit, but people believe in this shit the same way they believe in evolution. By faith. Rather than deconstruct it, it’s easier to simply explain the truth. Keep in mind as you read this- Satan hates mankind and this goes all the way to the original mission of man. Attack the man and you attack the family. Attack the family and you attack the next generation, the future. Destroy the family and you have destroyed everything. The future belongs to those who show up for it.
Men of the West… this is the most important issue you face because this fight is over your posterity. Those who will inherit what you have done.

The Biblical Christian Marriage

Genesis 2:24 is the Law of Marriage. This is actually pretty simple.

Sex Is How The Virgin Is Married

The man was authorized by God to begin marriage because marriage begins the family and family is the container in which children are to be brought into this world. That is truth. Children need both their biological mother and father working together to raise them. Children need both their parents to work together to raise them. So, how does this begin?
First is the change in status as the man leaves and goes out from under the authority of his father and mother to be the head of his own house. The man has sexual intercourse with the eligible virgin and she becomes his wife. When this occurs, According to Jesus (Matthew 19:4-6), it is God who makes the two “one flesh” in a spiritual joining that the Apostle Paul said was the same as the spiritual joining that makes the Christian a member of the body of Christ (Ephesians 5:28-32). It is a great mystery. Thus, the “one flesh” portion of Genesis 2:24 is the spiritual joining that is the act of God and cannot be the act of man. This act of God occurs when the man penetrates his wife and they have sexual intercourse, but “becoming one flesh” is not sex.
All women are virgins when they marry. The act of penetrative sexual intercourse with the virgin is what begins a marriage and Scripture does not require any other act, which is why the woman who was sold by her father to be a concubine (Exodus 21:7-10), the woman who was captured in battle (Deuteronomy 21:10-14) and even the woman who was raped (Deuteronomy 22:28-29) were all married with that act. News Flash: the virgin’s consent is not required. This means whether she knew she was being married or not, whether she wanted to be married or not, with that act she is married. And the Churchians will screech over this, but Scripture is clear what the words of the text mean because the Apostle Paul showed us.

The Consequences of Sex = Marriage

The problem the churchians have with that is they look around and realize they didn’t get their wife’s virginity… which means she isn’t their wife. She’s not their wife because she was already a married woman, which means they are living in adultery. The truth is in any given church at least 80% of all the couples you see are not actually married, they’re living in adultery.
Then, after generations of lies, they have the audacity to say “I cannot believe God would create a situation that required all those marriages be broken up.” News flash: God didn’t create this situation, the people who lied and said “sex does not make you married” are the ones who created this. Even then, God provided a way out.
The father has the authority to forbid the virgin’s agreement to marry that man (which is what her agreement to have sex with him actually was) and in forbidding that agreement, the man is no longer eligible to marry her. Thus, the sex did not make her married because he was not eligible to marry her. That is the power of the father over his daughter, which the church usurped from men well over a thousand years ago.
Man was given the authority to initiate marriage, but not given the authority to end the marriage he began. We know this because of what Jesus said in Matthew 19:3-9. Moses permitted men to divorce their wives if the woman committed sexual immorality, but according to Jesus, “from the beginning it has not been this way.” The only way we get “no divorce” from Genesis 2:24 is to recognize that it was a grant of authority to the man to initiate marriage but it contained no authority to end marriage. Much later in 1st Corinthians 7:10-11 the Lord Jesus Christ re-instituted the standard of Genesis 2:24 (no divorce) for His married servants, but we’ll cover that later.
In addition to the fact that the man was not given the authority to end a marriage once he began it, the man was not restricted to a single wife. Even though the majority of men have only one wife, they are not restricted to one wife and thus by definition marriage does not mean monopoly for the woman. The husband always has the right to take another wife and the current wife’s permission is not needed.
The standard for commitment for Christian marriage is thus:
  • The man makes a permanent but not exclusive commitment to the wife.
  • The woman makes a permanent and exclusive commitment to her husband.
A man begins a marriage to a virgin with the act of penetration (sexual intercourse) and with that act he gives his consent and commitment to the marriage. The virgin is automatically married by that act, provided the man was eligible to marry her, because she has no agency as a virgin. Unlike a virgin, a widow or a legitimately divorced woman has agency. She must agree to be married before the act of intercourse will make her married. That’s rather confusing to many, but I will be covering the issues surrounding the eligibility of non-virgins in my upcoming post on sexual morality.

The Churchian Hot Button: Polygyny

“Nobody Gets Married To Sleep Alone…”
First of all, why bring up polygyny? Because one cannot talk about marriage without discussing the issue of divorce and the issue of polygyny and divorce are intertwined. One cannot discuss one without the other when looking at the standards of commitment.
The only question with regard to polygyny is whether God changes. The answer is no, He does not. By His own testimony He does not change and neither does the Lord Jesus Christ. The mission was given to man to be fruitful and multiply. That is a command and contrary to popular belief, getting married and having children is an obligation God placed upon all of mankind.
God created marriage and nowhere in the Bible is monogamy or polygamy mentioned. There is only marriage. All men have the option of taking more than one wife and that means while he might only have one wife, she does not have a monopoly on him.
The following rules of marriage were written as part of the “50 Shades of Marriage” post in which I made the point that modern marriage is so screwed up by feminism that the Bible’s rules for marriage sound a lot like the contract for a BDSM style D/s relationship. Which is probably why the books/movies “50 Shades of Grey” are so popular. Women want a masculine, dominant man and modern marriage castrates men by putting the wife in power over them.

The Bible’s Rules For the D/s
Relationship Called Marriage:

  1. The act of penetrative sexual intercourse is required to begin the relationship. If the woman is a virgin sex automatically begins the relationship. If she is not a virgin but otherwise eligible, she must agree to the relationship prior to the sex initiating the relationship. (Genesis 2:24 as defined by 1st Corinthians 6:16)
  2. The commitment standard of the man is permanent, which means that once given he cannot rescind his commitment (regardless of her behavior). His commitment is non-exclusive, which means that at his discretion he may bring other women into the relationship at any time. (Genesis 2:24)
  3. The commitment standard of the woman is permanent and she is bound to her man for as long as he lives. Her commitment is exclusive, which means that he is her one and only. Sex with any other man is the crime of adultery (Romans 7:2-3).
  4. The relationship between the man and women is one of master-servant, or ruler-subject. The man is to rule his women and has complete authority over them, over every aspect of their lives, in everything. (Genesis 3:16, Numbers 30, Ephesians 5, 1st Peter 2-3)
  5. The man is required to love his women. This love is defined as holding them accountable for good behavior and requiring their obedience. When they transgress he is required to rebuke and discipline them (Hebrews 12:5-11, Revelation 3:19).
  6. Part of this accountability is his obligation to review any and every agreement she makes with others. If he desires he may say nothing and let it stand but if he does not like it he is to forbid it in the day he hears of it (Numbers 30).
  7. The woman is to submit to her man in everything, no exceptions (Ephesians 5:22-24).
  8. Her submission is not dependent on her opinion of his behavior or his actual behavior. If the man is displaying bad behavior the woman is to submit to him without a word and win him over with her quiet and chaste conduct (1st Peter 3:1-6).
  9. Sex is to be on demand and the woman’s body belongs to the man. Likewise, the man is to ensure the women’s sexual needs are met (1st Corinthians 7:4, Exodus 21:10).
  10. Sexual activity such as masturbation, oral, vaginal or anal is all at the discretion of the man inasmuch as none of these things are forbidden in any way (Ephesians 5:22-24).
  11. The woman is required to live with her man in order that he might meet his responsibility to hold her accountable for her behavior (1st Peter 3:7, 1st Corinthians 7:10).
  12. If the woman chooses to violate requirement #11 and leave her man, she is to remain single (chaste) or be reconciled to her man (1st Corinthians 7:10-11).
  13. If the woman has left her man in violation of these rules, she still retains the right of return. If she returns in complete submission to him, the man is required to accept her return to the relationship and cannot refuse to be reconciled to her (1st Corinthians 7:11, 1st Peter 3:7).
  14. The women are not required to love their man but they are required to respect him, obey him and submit to him (Genesis 3:16, Numbers 30, Ephesians 5, 1st Peter 3:1-2).
  15. Women are encouraged to call their man “Master” without being frightened by any fear (1st Peter 3:6).
  16. As part of the women’s requirement to respect their man, it is appropriate to treat him as if they were enlisted persons and he was a commissioned officer. Call him “Sir” and be respectful in language and posture, as well as giving an appropriate “salute” such as a bow of the head or kiss on the cheek when that is appropriate.
  17. Women belong to their man and are required to remain faithful to him, although masturbation and sexual activity with other women are allowed at his discretion.
  18. The man may have sex with any woman outside the relationship that he is eligible to marry, except for prostitutes.
  19. The women must not have vaginal intercourse while they are menstruating (Leviticus 18:19).
  20. Vaginal intercourse is forbidden following childbirth for a period of 40 days if the child was a boy and 80 days for a girl (Leviticus 12).
  21. Any other rules are negotiable or at the discretion of the husband.
Lessons? Too many to count. This is the heart of what Men of the West must know.

Theology For Men of the West: Heaven, Hell, Angels and Demons

Geography Lesson

As soon as you can recognize there is a God and you read His Word, you come to grips with the fact that we aren’t the only players on this field. Mankind is not the first of God’s creations and we’re told that angels do indeed exist because God created them to serve Him. Nor is the earth the only plane of existence.
There is a place called Heaven, which is God’s home. There is a place called Hell, a place of eternal torment which is reserved for the punishment of those who are condemned by God to punishment. Hell is the place of eternal death and separation from God. One cannot accept that Heaven exists without the accepting that Hell exists. There is (or was) a place called Sheol, the place of the dead. All of these places are mentioned in the Bible.
There is also earth, which is the home of mankind. According to the final chapters in the book, we learn that Heaven is not our home- Heaven is God’s home. Christians will not spend eternity in Heaven because there will be a new earth and a new city of Jerusalem. That is the eternal home of those who have eternal life.


Satan (also called Lucifer) was one of the greatest of the angels, one of the Cherubim, one of the angels who covered and guarded the Throne of God. He rebelled against God. When he did, about a third of the angels rebelled with him. These are known as demons and Lucifer is known as the “Prince of the Power of the Air” and the “Prince of Demons.” We don’t know that much about him other than a few references here and there. The dialogue in the beginning of the book of Job raises as many questions as it answers, as well as the statement of Jesus that He saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven.
The Bible tells us very little about Angels and Demons, but does tell us just enough for history to be filled with speculation of what people imagine Angels and Demons are like. One interesting aspect of this is to sexualize everything related to angels, often casting them as female.
Three points can be seen as to the sexuality of angels. First, the Bible describes angels (and by the same token, demons) as male. They are always described as male and there are no examples of female angels. Three Angles are mentioned by name, Michael, Gabriel and Satan. No others are named. This does not mean there are no female angels, although the implications of female angels is enough to drive most Churchians quite mad.
Second, when the Sadducees questioned Jesus about the Levirate marriage in the resurrection, He responded saying that in the resurrection people will be like angels and there will be no giving or taking in marriage. That does not say what many might think it says because we know nothing of Heaven and the way Angels are there. Not only that, but very few today understand the relationship between sex and marriage.
The popular interpretation is there’s no sex in heaven because Angels don’t have sex. That is an assumption because Angels could just as easily not be able to reproduce. Without children there is no purpose for marriage. As for men and women in the resurrection, if there is no marriage there can be no adultery and any male could have sex with any female. And we still know very little about Angels, so IF there are female Angels the implication is Angels were created male and female for a reason, which might include sex.
This returns us to the original question of the Sadducees, which of the woman’s husbands would have authority over her? The answer Jesus gave was that it won’t be that way in the resurrection, there will be no giving and taking in marriage. Which says absolutely nothing about sex.
Third, the record is clear that rather than being neuters (and in support of the previous point), male Angels of one variety or another (Son’s of God) found the daughters of man to be attractive and the children of such unions were the Nepthalim- powerful and mighty men of renown. Male Angels can definitely procreate with the daughters of man.
I will admit that Zechariah 5 might describe two angels who were female, but it’s the sort of passage that an imaginative person can interpret any way they want. I will also admit that I have had my own speculation as to angels and demons. It is an intriguing subject.
Later we will be covering issues of the Christian’s power over demons and spirits, but at this point I mention the fact that Angels and Demons are real and must be recognized as real by the same authority that recognizes that Heaven and Hell are real. Both of them have an impact on our world in ways we can seldom comprehend.
Lesson #5: There cannot be Heaven without the presence of Hell. There is a Heaven, which is the home of God. There is a Hell, which is the place of eternal punishment. There is earth, which is the home of mankind and will be renewed one day.
Lesson #6: Satan is real, Angels are real and Demons are real… They are just as real as the Lord God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Theology For Men of the West

(The Alt-West needs a moral anchor. We do not need an “Alt-Christianity” because that implies there is more than one type of Christianity. God’s Word does not change, all that is needed is a return to what God’s Word actually says. God’s requirements for all of Mankind do not change, the truth needs to be told. This series will begin that process)

Men of the West

It is self-evident: there is a God who created the Heavens and the Earth. God, our Creator, communicated with us and left us with His Word, known as the Bible. The Bible provides us with God’s requirements for Mankind. It is the obligation of Mankind to obey the commands of the Lord God.
The Bible testifies as to its own authenticity and is very much a “take it or leave it” proposition. Interestingly, while even churchian cucks have always been able to defend the Bible against all attacks, they cannot defend their own lies about the Bible. Don’t like what the Bible says? Reject it and move on. The attempts to “re-interpret” God’s Word are merely evidence that it’s true because otherwise those who don’t like what it says would simply move on and do something different.
God is not a God of confusion. He said what He meant and He meant what He said. One does not need an advanced degree from a seminary in order to understand God’s Word. Understanding the Bible requires study, but the Bible was meant to be understood. God’s Word is coherent and God’s Word is true. What the Bible says cannot be denied, but just as importantly what the Bible does not say cannot be denied. The Bible is not contradictory and the entire Bible must agree with itself.

The Story of the Bible

The story of the Bible is simple. Following creation, Man violated God’s command and thereby sinned, causing a separation between God and Man. God first instructed Man, then later gave Mankind His Law. The Apostle Paul stated that while sin was in the world, until God gave His Law, there was no violation. Sin was not imputed because until there is a transgression no sin is imputed (Romans 4:15 and 5:13).
While there is a tendency to “spiritualize” what the Bible says, God is very clear that He takes a hand in the affairs of Mankind. Individuals will be subject to judgment at the end of time, but God judges nations temporally. Those nations that honor Him and obey Him are blessed, those nations that do not honor Him or obey Him are cursed.
The wages of sin is death, but God’s innocent Son was sent here to die, once for all of mankind. The free gift of God is eternal life through the act of Jesus, who is the Son of God. We know this is true because in accordance with prophesy, He was raised from the dead after 3 days and appeared to many witnesses over a period of time before He ascended bodily into heaven.
Following the ascension into Heaven of Jesus, now known as the Christ, His chosen Disciples (Apostles) wrote what is known as the New Testament. The New Testament contained the Gospels of Christ, the history of the early church and letters of instruction in the “house rules” for the servants of Christ (Christians). The last living Apostle (John) wrote the final communication of Christ to His churches (seven of them) as well as prophesies about the end of time.

He’s Not Your Boyfriend Jesus

Christians do not have a peculiar religion, they have what is known as a faith or a relationship, but this is better stated as a peculiar status. Christians are slaves who were purchased with the shed blood of Christ. They are property and they have a Master who has the authority to command them. Because they have the status of slaves within the household of their Master, their master’s righteousness is imputed to them. Their sin is forgiven because He paid the price for them. He paid a debt He did not owe because we owed a debt we could not pay.
The New Testament contains a litmus test for Christianity, obedience:

The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.

The later history of the Christianity details the political machinations involved in the struggle for power between various factions of Nicolaitans within the church. Those who taught things Christ hated. Most relevant to us today is after the Nicolaitans took control, basic teachings of the Bible were disregarded and covered up; to be replaced by a combination of Pagan beliefs, Stoic philosophy and Roman law.
One of the interesting features of God’s Law was that once written it could not be changed. To add to the Law or to subtract from the Law is a violation of the Law. Jesus testified that the Law would not change and would not pass away until all things were accomplished. In making that testimony Jesus was stating He did not have the authority to change the Law.
Keep in mind that Jesus said “a slave is not greater than his master” and “a pupil is not above his teacher.” If Jesus did not have the authority to change God’s Law, neither does any Christian or group of Christians. That is a point to which we will be returning in the future but for now, we will begin at the beginning.

The Mission Of Man And Role Of Woman

God created Man from the dust of the earth and gave him a mission. The mission of man is to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it, to take dominion over it. That mission was given to Adam. Later God brought all the animals to Adam to see what he would name them. He did, but a suitable helper was not to be found for the man. Then God said it was not good for man to be alone, that He would make a helper suitable for him. He put Adam into a deep sleep and taking a rib from Adam, He created Eve from Adam’s rib. She was presented to Adam and he named her woman, meaning “out from man.”
Woman was created by God, from man, for man, to be used by man as a helper in the accomplishment of his mission.
Men and women were not created equal. Man was created first and placed in charge. Woman was created later, specifically to be a helper to him under his authority. Men and women are not equal and never will be because God does not change. The coming of Christ did not alter this situation, as we shall see in great detail as we go along.
From the beginning, men and women were not created to be equal and they are not equal. Man is in the position of authority and woman is under his authority, created to be his helper. His assistant. This is indisputable fact because that is what the text says. While we now have many feminists who do not agree with that, it’s not our job to agree with God, rather, it is our job to honor, worship and obey God.
God does not expect us to agree with Him or even to understand Him:

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Lesson #1: there is a God and He gave us His written Word. Contained in that Word is God’s Law. Mankind has an obligation to obey that Law.
Lesson #2: men and women are not equal. This is important to understand because it was NOT the “curse” of Genesis 3:16 that put man in charge of woman. God created woman to be a helper, not an equal; and no amount of creative interpretation will change that fact.
Lesson #3: God does not change. By His own testimony, God does not change.

That did not change with the new covenant in Christ:

Lesson #4: the change that occurred with the New Testament was the status of Christians, who are slaves within the household of Christ. It is not that the Law is done away with, as servants of Christ there are some new rules imposed by the Master on His servants.

Toad’s Churchian Challenge

The Christian Manosphere blogger Deep Strength has gone the way of churchians and decided the most fundamental aspects of family cannot be discussed. The definition of marriage and divorce.
A post was made on his blog about “Sexless Marriage and Other Relationship Statistics” (PDF). I pointed out that it’s meaningless because the definition of both marriage and divorce have been polluted in this comment (PDF). What I said is below, but his response was pictured in the screen-cap above, the subject of the Biblical definition of marriage and divorce are not subject to debate on his blog.
Deep Strength’s blog is titled as “Christianity and Masculinity” and he has in the past demonstrated that he is fully capable of doing Biblical research and exegesis. This is a perfect example of someone who claims to be a Christian refusing to see what God’s Word actually says because it so wildly conflicts with his beliefs.
Those familiar with this blog won’t see anything new here, I simply laid out the facts:


The problem with this subject lies with two words. First, the word “marriage” and second, the word “divorce”.
First, consider one fact very carefully. Adultery is a death-penalty offense in the Bible. Adultery, contrary to modern belief, is the crime of a married woman having sex with a man who is not her husband. Period. That is what the Bible says, nothing more, nothing less. If you are going to kill someone for committing this crime, what is the very first thing that must be established? The fact the woman is married. So, here’s the question: when does marriage begin?
You have two choices in this. You can go full-blown churchian and say that it occurs with a ceremony in front of witnesses, by consent… or you can go with what the Bible says. The Bible says that marriage occurs when the virgin is penetrated by the man.
I refer you to Genesis 2:24, right at the beginning, where the authority was given to the man. “For this cause a man…” Genesis 2:24 is a grant of authority, given to the man. Not to the community, to the families, to the state or to the church. To the individual MAN. If one takes Genesis 2:24 in light of Genesis 1, Leviticus 21, Numbers 30, Matthew 19, 1st Corinthians 6 and Ephesians 5, the meaning is as follows:
In order to be fruitful and multiply, a man shall go out from under the authority of his father and mother to begin his own family, of which he shall be the head. He shall have sexual intercourse with his (virgin) wife and the Lord God shall make the two become “one flesh” in a spiritual joining that is a great mystery, the same as becoming a part of the body of Christ.
How do we know this? Fortunately, the Bible is self-interpreting. In Genesis 2:24 the entire verse devolves to the meaning of the Hebrew word “dabaq” which is most commonly translated as the word “cleave” or “join.” You have been told that *this* is where the ceremony of commitment is made, which is followed by sex,(becoming one flesh). That is completely wrong and does not agree with the rest of Scripture. Jesus quoted Genesis 2:4 in Matthew 19 and the Hebrew word “dabaq” was translated as the Greek word “kollao”. The Apostle Paul used the same word, in the same context of Genesis 2:24 (quoting half the verse) in 1st Corinthians 6:16. The word means sexual intercourse.
In Matthew 19, Jesus said “they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let no man separate.” In Ephesians 5 Paul compared the becoming one flesh in marriage with the becoming one body in Christ, both of which are spiritual joinings, both of which are a great mystery. The third part of Genesis 2;24 (shall become one flesh) speaks of a spiritual joining of the two that God performs. It is NOT the act of having sex, it occurs as a result of having sex with the virgin.
A=B and B=C. Therefore A=C. “Dabaq” as used in Genesis 2;24 means the exact same thing as “Kollao” in 1st Corinthians 6:16 and there is no way around that. This means that when the virgin has sex with a man she is married to that man whether she knew it or not, whether she agreed to be married or not. A virgin does not have agency and she can be married against her will without her consent. This is proven by the fact that in Exodus 21 a woman could be sold by her father to be the wife (concubine) of a man whether she agreed or not. In Deuteronomy 21, we see that a woman captured in battle can become the wife of a man whether she agrees or not when he has sex with her. In Deuteronomy 22 we see that the virgin not betrothed who is raped (and it is discovered) is married to the man who raped her.
All women are virgins when they marry.
So, the question arises… does having a wedding ceremony with a married woman mean that one is now married to her? No. It is a fraud. One cannot “marry” a woman who is already married, one can only institutionalize the adultery. So… look around your church and ask yourself: in how many of those couples did the man get her virginity? The answer is that in probably 85% or more of the couples, they are living in adultery.
Oh… God provided a way out in this… The father can annul that marriage his daughter entered into without her knowledge or his knowledge, in most cases.
Now, having said that, when a man and woman who were never married at all do a so-called “divorce”… if they were not married then how can they divorce? The answer is they can’t. The woman is STILL married to her husband she doesn’t even know about. Because God is not mocked. He made the rules for marriage and He really doesn’t care what some little state court judge has to say or what the opinions of some preacher. His Word endures forever.
All women are either virgins, married, widowed, divorced or in some cases not virgins but never married (because of the decision of their father). Given the fact that no-one knows what the Bible actually says about marriage, the odds of meeting a “single” woman who is not a virgin are approaching infinity. In other word, if she is not a virgin, you have to work with her father to get her un-married before you have sex with her, otherwise you commit adultery.


Again, no surprises, except that one of the supposed stalwarts of the Christian manosphere refuses to engage in a debate he will lose. He is doing exactly what the feminists do, shutting off the debate he can’t win. It would be interesting to see him (or anyone else) provide an explanation as to the following:

Toad’s Challenge:

Category I: Definition of Marriage
  • What is the Biblical definition of marriage, and what are the requirements of the Bible for the formation of marriage? In other words, what acts must be taken each and every time for all of time in order to form a marriage? At what point will God consider the man and woman married?
  • What is the Biblical standard of commitment in marriage of the man and the woman? Are they the same or are they different?
  • Are the requirements of marriage different for virgins and non-virgins? If so, why?
  • Does the virgin have agency?
  • How does the man demonstrate his consent and commitment to marriage?
  • Is the Father’s permission required to marry his daughter?
Category II: Definition of Divorce
  • According to Matthew 19, after quoting Genesis 2:24 on the subject of divorce, Jesus said “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it has not been this way.” Demonstrate from the text why divorce (which Moses “permitted”) has not been this way from the beginning. How was there no divorce from the beginning?
  • According to Romans 4:15 and 5:13 the Law defines sin and therefore applies to everyone. According to Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32, it is forbidden to add to the Law or subtract from it. Does Christ have the authority to violate God’s Law by adding to or subtracting from the Law?
  • Does Christ have the authority to command the servants He purchased with His blood to not divorce for any reason, even though Moses permitted husbands to divorce their wives if they committed adultery?
  • Does Christ have the authority to command His male servants not to have sex with prostitutes, even though the Law makes no such prohibition?
  • Does He have the authority to command His servants to only marry men or women who are also His servants? If so, do such regulations that Christ makes for His servants apply to those who are not Christians?
Category III: Definition of Sexual Immorality
  • Is “sex outside the bounds of marriage” always a sin?
  • What is the Biblical definition of “fornication”?
  • What is the Biblical definition of adultery?
  • If lust is a sin, what law is being violated?
  • Is female homosexuality a sin?
  • Is female prostitution a sin, in and of itself?
Category IV: Issues Related To Polygyny
  • Is polygyny lawful?
  • Did God support polygyny?
  • Did God sometimes command polygyny?
  • Did God have two wives?
  • Did anything in the New Testament forbid polygyny?
  • Does polygyny offer solutions for the marriage crisis today?
Rules: Sola Scriptura, no antinomies allowed, cite the definitive text with exegesis as necessary for each answer. Responses may be submitted by email to artisanaltoad at gmail or in the comments below.
For those of you who are new here, keep in mind that what the text cannot mean in light of other passages quite often determines what it does mean. I will provide one example:
It is often claimed (falsely) that Christ’s teaching in Matthew 19:4-6 forbade a man from having more than one wife. The problem with this is Jesus didn’t have the authority to change the Law because the Law clearly stated that it was not to be added to or subtracted from. Doing so was a violation, which is a sin. The Law supported having more than one wife and gave the regulations for a man who desired to do so.
Had Jesus actually been teaching a “one man and one woman” doctrine of marriage that forbid polygyny, He was in sin and therefore not a perfect and acceptable sacrifice and therefore could not have been the Messiah. If Jesus was not the Messiah we have no Christianity and the entire New Testament is a lie, so consider that we must not only look at what He said, we must consider it in light of what He could not possibly have meant with the words He used.