The family is the foundation of civilization and sexual morality is the foundation of family. Most Christians would agree with those two statements, but most Christians are ignorant of the fact that of the following twenty-one points from the Bible concerning sexual morality, only five are generally and consistently taught by the churches today. Five out of twenty-one is the score for modern churchianity.
Keep in mind that this problem was baked into the cake 1500 years ago. You might have heard the old saying that when you’ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow. There’s a lot of truth in that. This is all about power-hungry individuals and a group of very influential early church fathers who hated sex and considered sex- even within marriage, to be sinful and at best a necessary evil.
Understanding Churchian Sexual Morality
I. Modern Christianity pays little more than lip service to the idea that the Lord Jesus Christ cares what His servants do. If this premise is correct, Christianity is only useful in terms of providing common social cues and general attitudes. If this premise is not correct, modern Christianity doesn’t need a revival, it needs to be destroyed for the apostate mess that it is.
II. Modern Christians are almost completely ignorant of what the Bible actually says and they can’t be bothered to read it in order to find out. If and when they do, there is a legion of feminist professional Christians on hand to “help” them “interpret” what the Bible says. The interpretation will prevent understanding what the words actually say and mean.
III. The modern church is a business, typically organized as a not-for-profit corporation that provides services to the general public of a religious nature. The purpose of this business is to receive money (tithes) from the attending public in return for teaching them that God loves them, Jesus forgives them no matter what they’ve done, they should love one another and not forget to tithe.
IV. Anyone who teaches what the Bible says within the modern framework of Christianity is derided as a “fundamentalist” and generally rejected, mocked and ridiculed because they take the appropriate points of what the Bible says in a literal fashion.
V. Because of point #4, Modern Christians of the west are unable to understand Islam because they cannot fathom the idea of being a servant of God with the requirement to do what God has commanded them to do. Therefore, they refer to Muslims who take such an attitude as being “radicalized” instead of understanding that such Muslims are simply taking their religious duties seriously. Ironically, it is common to hear of certain Christians becoming “on fire for the Lord” because they got serious about being obedient to what the Bible says, but they cannot make the connection and see that when a Muslim becomes “on fire for Mohammed” the fire is generally coming from the muzzle of a rifle.
VI. Anyone who digs into the Bible and carefully studies the area of sexual morality, marriage and family relations will discover that the doctrines in place in virtually every church are in direct conflict with what the Bible says about these areas.
VII. Anyone who teaches the parts of the Bible that conflict with the carefully constructed doctrines concerning sexual morality and marriage will be viciously attacked by everyone in the modern church; Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant.
21 Elements Of Biblical Sexual Morality
- The act of marriage is sexual intercourse and to have sex with an eligible virgin is to marry her (Genesis 2:24). This means that every man she has sex with after that is a case of adultery because the woman is already married to the man who took her virginity. Following that, any so-called marriage to another man is fraudulent because the woman is already married.
- The Law of Marriage states that when an eligible virgin has sex, she is married. The Law of Vows states the father has the authority to forbid any vow or agreement his daughter makes in the day he hears of it. Because the act of sexual intercourse is the act of marriage, when an eligible virgin has sex she is married. Her agreement to have sex is therefore her agreement to marry. However, in the day her father hears of her agreement (which happens after she has sex with him) he can forbid that agreement and from the moment of the agreement she is no longer an eligible virgin. Which means that the subsequent act of having sex did not make her married because her father refused her agreement and refused to give her in marriage. Thus, we see in Exodus 22:16 an example of the father allowing her agreement and they are married. In the following verse (verse 17) the father forbids it and the text says “and if he absolutely refuses to give her…” There is no time limit and her father can forbid that agreement in the day he hears of it if she made the agreement in her youth while living in his house.
- The consent and/or commitment of an eligible virgin to her marriage is not necessary or required for her to be married (Exodus 21:7-10; Exodus 22:16; Deuteronomy 21:10-14; Deuteronomy 22:28-29). In contrast, marriage to an eligible non-virgin (such as a widow or legitimately divorced woman) requires her consent to marry in addition to sex in order to form a marriage (Genesis 2:24; Numbers 30:9; 1st Corinthians 7:39).
- With the act of penetration, the man makes his commitment to marry the woman he is having sex with, every single time (Genesis 2:24).
- There is no requirement anywhere in Scripture for a betrothal period, a celebration or ceremony of any kind, public or private, nor does marriage require the permission of any third party such as the church, because the authority to marry was granted to the man in the Law of Marriage (Genesis 2:24).
- Reinforcing point #4, there is no prohibition anywhere in Scripture forbidding a man from having sex with an eligible woman, regardless of his marital status. If the woman is a virgin they are married. If the woman is not a virgin her consent to marry is required before they are married. There is no prohibition anywhere in Scripture that prohibits an eligible woman from having sex with a man eligible to marry her. According to Romans 4:15 and 5:13, the lack of prohibition means the act is not a sin.
- The lack of an eligible virgin’s requirement to provide consent to a marriage means she may be raped into marriage (Deuteronomy 22:28-29).
- If a woman agrees to be married and does so without her father’s consent, he has the authority to forbid her agreement in the day he hears of it (Numbers 30:5). By forbidding her agreement to marry she is no longer eligible to marry that man and the subsequent act of sex does not make them married. This is the reason Exodus 22:17 states “if the father absolutely refuses to give her.”
- A married woman who has sex with any man other than her husband commits adultery as long as he is still alive (Leviticus 18:20, 20:10, Romans 7:2-3) which means that adultery requires a married woman. Unless a married woman is involved there can be no adultery.
- The original standard of marriage was permanent but non-exclusive commitment on the part of the man with permanent and exclusive commitment on the part of the woman (Genesis 2:24, Leviticus 18:20, Genesis 3:16).
- Genesis 2:24 allowed a man to have more than one wife, which was supported throughout Scripture (Deuteronomy 25:5-10; 2nd Samuel 12:8; Jeremiah 31:21-32) and never changed.
- Although the standard of Genesis 2:24 called for permanent commitment on the part of the men, Moses permitted men to divorce their wives for adultery (Deuteronomy 24:1; Matthew 19:7-9). Christ later made a regulation for His church forbidding divorce between two Christians married to each other, effectively restoring the original standard of marriage within His church (1st Corinthians 7:10-11).
- The Apostle Paul instructed that if a Christian was married to a non-Christian and the non-Christian left the Christian and refused to live with them, the Christian was free (no longer bound) to the marriage (1st Corinthians 7:12-15).
- If a man lies with a man as with a woman, that is prohibited, an abomination and was classified as a death penalty offense (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13).
- If either a man or a woman has sex with an animal it is a perversion and a death penalty offense (Leviticus 18:23, 20:15-16).
- While male homosexuality was an offense and bestiality was an offense for both men and women, homosexual contact between women was not prohibited except for cases of incest. The incest statutes contain two prohibitions on a man marrying sisters, or marrying a mother-daughter or grandmother-granddaughter. Those regulations presume sexual contact between wives in a polygynous marriage (Leviticus 18:17-18).
- There is no prohibition anywhere in Scripture that forbids a woman from being a simple money-for-sex prostitute, although prostitution as part of idolatry (cult prostitute) is forbidden in Deuteronomy 23:17.
- The only prohibition against using the services of a prostitute is in 1st Corinthians 6:15-16, which only forbids Christian men from using prostitutes.
- If a man has sex with an eligible woman who is not a virgin and she does not consent to marry, all they did was have sex, there was no sin (Romans 4:15; 5:13).
- The only way a man and woman can have “premarital sex” is if they are engaged to be married and have sex during the engagement period. If they do so the man has violated the requirements of the engagement by not keeping his vow (Numbers 30:2). They are not married (even though she was a virgin) because due to the voluntary agreement, she cannot be married until after the end of the engagement period and any agreed upon ceremony. In addition, the portion of traditional marriage vows to “forsake all others” is voluntary because Scripture contains no such requirement for the man. If, however, the man chooses to make this vow it is binding upon him (Numbers 30:2).
- A man having intercourse with his wife while she is menstruating is committing a prohibited act that is ranked equally with adultery, bestiality, idolatry and male homosexuality (Leviticus 18:19-24). The man and woman who do such a thing are to be cut off from their people (Leviticus 20:18). While there is no prohibition or even any mention of masturbation anywhere in Scripture, sexual relations during menstruation is never mentioned in the modern church but masturbation is frequently condemned.
Of the 21 points on this list concerning sexual morality and marriage, only points 9, 13, 14, 15 and 18 are generally taught in the churches today. The other 16 points are either completely ignored or contradicted by church doctrine and attacked as lies, yet those points describe what the Bible actually teaches.
From point number one, it follows that at least 80% of the so-called “married” couples in the modern church are living in adultery because the women were already married (they were not virgins) when they purported to marry their husbands. This means that the greatest problem in the church today is the widespread adultery of the Christians within the church that is caused by the leaders of the church refusing to teach what the Bible actually says.
If it is correct that God takes an active hand in His creation based on the behavior of people, blessing them, withholding blessings, removing His protection or cursing them; and if it is correct that Christ likewise takes an active hand in His church, then the importance of the endemic of adultery in the church cannot be understated.
There are 16 points in the list above that the Bible teaches which the church either ignores or denies. Because of this, the vast majority of the adults in the church are in sin and the families are being destroyed by divorce, permanently injuring the children. If that sin does not matter because God forgives sin, there is no point in obeying anything in Scripture and the entire so-called “religion” of Christianity is a joke.
@ 96. Artisanal Toad
“Churchians hold to the teachings of the Nicolaitans, which Christ hates.”
I would put the linchpin back to when the Emperor Constantine allowed the Roman bishop to possess the office of the Inquisitor; and, importantly, Constantine allowed the bishop of Rome to hold the title Pontifex Maximus which makes the title bearer as God.
English is not my first language so words like ordinance to me mean ‘something to do with legal issues’… They don’t clarify anything to me personally.
Disclaimer: I have a pretty good opinion of this strain of Theonomy except of course where it conflicts with the views of this blog. Basically, I think we would be much better off taking the whole Law seriously, minus the parts that have been fulfilled in Christ.
2. What was Paul and Silas’ response? Did Paul and Silas answer that question without making reference to the Law of Moses?
3. Would you have made reference to the Law of Moses in answering that question?
4 And [as for] thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple [thee]; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.
5 None eye pitied thee, to do any of these unto thee, to have compassion upon thee;
but thou wast cast out in the open field, to the loathing of thy person, in the day that thou wast born.
6 And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood,
I said unto thee [when thou wast] in thy blood,
Live; yea, I said unto thee [when thou wast] in thy blood, Live.
7 I have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou art come to excellent ornaments: [thy] breasts are fashioned, and thine hair is grown, whereas thou [wast] naked and bare.
8 Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold, thy time [was] the time of love;
And I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness:
Yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord GOD, and thou becamest mine.
Do not blaspheme God.
Do not murder.
Do not engage in incest, adultery, pederasty or bestiality.[8]
Do not steal.
Do not eat of a live animal.
Establish courts/legal system to ensure obedience to the law.
IF “for this reason” in Gen 2:24 refers to Gen 1:28 “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth…”
AND IF A prepubescent cannot be fruitful,
THEN cleaving her is forbidden as she physically cannot fulfill her role as wife.
This interpretation ties into your read on the question of the natural role of women and the related topic of lesbianism.
As we’ve gone over elsewhere, an eligible non-virgin can in fact consent to sex without consenting to marry. She can’t make a marriage covenant using her hymen as intended, so she has to make a different, verbal, covenant vow. So it’s ok for a woman to be a non-idolatrous prostitute, and we already knew explicitly that Christians are not permitted to use prostitutes. I think the interpretation necessary to make Gen 2:24 act as a ban on pedophilia also makes it a ban on all men using all prostitutes. Which would explain why the prostitute’s earnings are not allowed as donations to the temple. *She* hasn’t sinned, but the earnings are still the result of her clients sinning. So I think this is a harmonious reading.
Counter counter argument is that from Heb 11:40 we know he was still not made perfect in God despite divine approval, others in that hall of fame list definitely sinned, and the Nazirite vow in Num 6 concerns grapes, razors, and dead bodies, with no mention of sex. So his use of a prostitute isn’t definitive evidence either way.