Thoughts on the Treatment of Ebola, and Why It Won’t Happen

Now that it’s here, in the US, we need to discuss how to treat Ebola. Part of the problem is the so-called experts can’t even agree on the vector of transmission.

Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, insisted before Congress on Thursday that he was confident Ebola would continue to spread exclusively through bodily fluids.
“We don’t believe it is spreading in any other way,” he told a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, according to the Times. “We are confident this is not airborne transmission.”

Meanwhile, there are dissenting voices:

Dr. Jane Orient, director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, told Newmax TV on Thursday that she could see the possibility of Ebola being transmitted by air.
Specifically, Orient said, the germs could pass via “aerosols” that are created by sneezing or coughing.
“Your body fluids have to go through the air, unless you touch somebody,” she said. “You generate an aerosol if you cough or sneeze or vomit or have explosive diarrhea — and it makes droplets of different sizes.
“The ones that are really, really tiny can get through your mask, around your mask, down into your lungs,” Orient said, adding that these droplets could infect “target cells down in your lungs.”

There is a good historical example of an “incurable” virus that was cured because one man was willing to try something different. I’ve linked to several articles below, both of which are worth reading. During the 1940’s and 1950’s, Polio was killing almost a half-million people every year, world wide. By the time the mass vaccinations got underway in the late 1950’s, the United States saw a peak of over 58,000 cases a year.
Most people think that Jonas Saulk cured polio. He wasn’t the first, because Dr. Frederick Klenner cured a polio outbreak in 1948 in his small town of Reidsville, North Carolina. But, you can’t patent vitamin C, and even though kids were dying left and right, the medical establishment ignored Dr. Klenner. The following is excerpted from an article by Dr. Klenner, published in the July 1949 edition of Southern Medicine and Surge ry:

In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina in 1948, 60 cases of this disease came under our care. These patients presented all or almost all of these signs and symptoms: Fever of 101 to 104.6°, headache, pain at the back of the eyes, conjunctivitis, scarlet throat; pain between the shoulders, the back of the neck, one or more extremity, the lumbar back; nausea, vomiting and constipation. In 15 of these cases the diagnosis was confirmed by lumbar puncture; the cell count ranging from 33 to 125. Eight had been in contact with a proven case; two of this group received spinal taps. Examination of the spinal fluid was not carried out in others for the reasons: (1) Flexner and Amoss had warned that “simple lumbar puncture attended with even very slight hemorrhage opens the way for the passage of the virus from the blood into the central nervous system and thus promotes infection.” (2) A patient presenting all or almost all of the above signs and symptoms during an epidemic of poliomyelitis must be considered infected with this virus. (3) Routine lumbar puncture would have made it obligatory to report each case as diagnosed to the health authorities. This would have deprived myself of valuable clinical material and the patients of most valuable therapy, since they would have been removed to a receiving center in a nearby town.
The treatment employed was vitamin C in massive doses. It was given like any other antibiotic every two to four hours. The initial dose was 1000 to 2000 mg., depending on age. Children up to four years received the injections intramuscularly. Since laboratory facilitates for whole blood and urine determinations of the concentration of vitamin C were not available, the temperature curve was adopted as the guide for additional medication. The rectal temperature was recorded every two hours. No temperature response after the second hour was taken to indicate the second 1000 or 2000 mg. If there was a drop in fever after two hours, two more hours was allowed before the second dose. This schedule was followed for 24 hours. After this time the fever was consistently down, so the drug was given 1000 to 2000 mg. every six hours for the next 48 hours. All patients were clinically well after 72 hours. After three patients had a relapse the drug was continued for at least 48 hours longer—1000 to 2000 mg. every eight to 12 hours. Where spinal taps were performed, it was the rule to find a reversion of the fluid to normal after the second day of treatment.
For patients treated in the home the dose schedule was 2000 mg. by needle every six hours, supplemented by 1000 to 2000 mg. every two hours by mouth. The tablet was crushed and dissolved in fruit juice. All of the natural “C” in fruit juice is taken up by the body; this made us expect catalytic action from this medium. Rutin, 20 mg., was used with vitamin C by mouth in a few cases, instead of the fruit juice. Hawley and others have shown that vitamin C taken by mouth will show its peak of excretion in the urine in from four to six hours. Intravenous administration produces this peak in from one to three hours. By this route however, the concentration in the blood is raised so suddenly that a transitory overflow into the urine results before the tissues are saturated. Some authorities suggest that the subcutaneous method is the most conservative in terms of vitamin C loss but this factor is overwhelmingly neutralized by the factor of pain inflicted.
Two patients in this series of 60 regurgitated fluid through the nose. This was interpreted as representing the dangerous bulbar type. For a patient in this category postural drainage, oxygen administration, in some cases tracheotomy, needs to be instituted, until the vitamin C has had sufficient time to work—in our experience 36 hours. Failure to recognize this factor might sacrifice the chance of recovery. With these precautions taken, every patient of this series recovered uneventfully within three to five days.

See that? That was published in July of 1949. A CURE for POLIO. The US medical industry is responsible for every death and paralysis from Polio from 1950 onward. There should have been 60 point headlines in the New York Times. There weren’t. Because you can’t patent a vitamin and make an obscene profit.
The biggest irony of all was Jonas Salk donated his discovery to the general public, releasing it free of charge with no patent. That later resulted in an unprecedented meeting between representatives of every major pharmaceutical company and most of the minor ones, presided over by a former chairman of the FDA. The purpose of that meeting was to ensure there would never again be another Jonas Salk. That meeting is actually part of my family history…
Dr. Klenner published another article in 1971 in the Journal of Applied Nutrition, which is well worth reading:
While admittedly tangential to the discussion of treating Ebola, high doses of intravenous ascorbic acid (IVAA) have been very successful in treating various forms of cancer. If one reads the articles, one discovers that IVAA is quite efficacious in treating everything from snakebite to measles to hepatitis to polio. Unfortunately, this ‘wonder drug’ won’t be used unless you do it yourself. Sorry, folks.
If one reads the articles it becomes apparent that *somebody* ought to be trying this with the Ebola epidemic. That, however, is extremely unlikely to happen, and the reason is you can’t patent a vitamin. There’s no way for a pharmaceutical company to make an obscene profit, which is exactly what will happen if they come up with a vaccine that works.
So, be advised, anybody that really wants to can obtain sodium ascorbate for injection, along with appropriate syringes and needles. I’m sure you’ll think up something to tell your veterinarian. As I type this, I’m looking at a 100 ml bottle of ORTHO-CS 250, produced by Merit Pharmaceuticals. It has 250 mg of sodium ascorbate per 1 ml of solution, so a single injection from a 50ml syringe will deliver about 12.5 grams of sodium ascorbate. This can be delivered by direct injection or mixed with an IV (Ringers or D5W, but NOT sterile water). As soon as the body gets the sodium ascorbate, the liver goes into overdrive trying to eliminate it. The object is to get a high enough plasma level to get the job done, and that means dropping in a heavy load.
I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice; you are responsible for your own health and there are numerous health-care professionals who will provide intravenous ascorbic acid therapy. Google is your friend.
PS. Just because somebody can hang MD after their name doesn’t make them a health-care expert. In fact, the training they received may prevent them from getting the answers they need. Another historical point: Smallpox. It has never been proven what the vector of transmission of smallpox was. A cursory search will give answers, but if one digs into the literature it becomes apparent that it has never been proven what the vector of transmission for smallpox is. Think about that. They have never proved how it’s spread.
Dr. A.R Cambell was a pioneering physician in San Antonio, Texas at the turn of the 20th Century. He discovered the vector of transmission for smallpox, which was the bedbug. Read the link and read the linked pages. He was uniformly ignored. If you want a copy of his book, it’s available from the Soil and Health Library. While some of his practices were appalling, he did get results. Why does this matter? Because the current medical experts don’t know much more about Ebola than the medical experts knew about smallpox a hundred years ago. When the WHO went on a rampage vaccinating everyone after WWII, they also had sanitation teams that sprayed the hell out of everything with DDT. Thus ended the smallpox outbreaks. It wasn’t a vaccination that killed smallpox, it was DDT.

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